10 Actions to Impact Climate Change

影响气候变化的 10 项因素



每个国家的人均温室气体排放量差异较大。美国一个人平均每年产生约 17.6 吨二氧化碳- 大约是印度人均的10 倍,大约是全球平均水平的三倍。在欧盟和英国,每人每年平均排放约 7.9 吨二氧化碳。

为了保持宜居的气候,到2030年之前,每人每年的平均排放量需要降至 2 至 2.5 吨二氧化碳。从这十项行动开始,帮助应对气候危机。


我们的大部分电力和热力都是由煤炭、石油和天然气组成的。通过降低供暖和制冷、改用LED 灯泡和节能电器、用冷水洗衣服或将衣服挂起来晾干而不使用烘干机来减少能源消耗。提高个人家庭能源效率,例如通过更好的绝缘,或用电热泵替换你的石油或天然气炉,这样每年可以减少多达 900 公斤的二氧化碳排放量。


世界上的道路被车辆填满,其中大部分都是燃烧柴油或汽油。步行或骑自行车来代替开车将减少温室气体排放 - 并有助于你的健康和健身。对于长距离,可以考虑乘坐火车或公共汽车。尽可能多的一起拼车。与使用汽车的生活方式相比,无车生活每年可以减少多达2 吨二氧化碳。


多吃蔬菜、水果、全谷物、豆类、坚果和种子,少吃肉类和奶制品,可以显着降低对环境的影响。生产植物性食品通常会减少温室气体排放,并且需要较少的能源、土地和水。从混合饮食转向素食可以每年减少多达 500 公斤的二氧化碳排放量(或素食饮食最多可减少 900 公斤)。


飞机燃烧大量化石燃料,产生大量温室气体排放。因此减少航班成为减少环境影响的最快方法之一。如果可以,可以进行虚拟见面、乘坐火车或直接略过长途旅行。少坐一次长途航班,可以减少多达近 2 吨二氧化碳当量的碳足迹。


当你把食物扔掉时,你也在浪费用于种植、生产、包装和运输食物的资源和能源。当食物在垃圾填埋场腐烂时会产生甲烷,它是一种强大的温室气体。所以用你买的东西把剩下的东西堆肥。减少食物浪费每年可以减少多达 300 公斤的二氧化碳排放量。


从原材料的提取到制造和将商品运输到市场,我们购买的电子产品、衣服和其他物品在生产的每个环节都会产生碳排放。为了保护我们的气候,少买点新东西,买二手货,尽可能修理和回收。每生产一公斤纺织品会产生约 17 公斤的二氧化碳。减少购买新衣服和其他消费品可以减少您的碳足迹并减少浪费。


询问你的电力公司你的家庭能源是不是来自石油、煤炭或天然气。如果可能的话,看看你是否可以改用风能或太阳能等可再生能源。或者在你的屋顶上安装太阳能电池板发电。将你的家从石油、天然气或煤炭能源转换为可再生能源,例如风能或太阳能,每年可以减少多达 1.5 吨二氧化碳。


如果你打算购买汽车,请考虑电动汽车,市场上有更多且便宜的车型。 在许多国家,与汽油或柴油动力汽车相比,电动汽车有助于减少空气污染并减少温室气体排放。 但许多电动汽车仍然使用化石燃料产生的电力,而电池和发动机需要稀有矿物,这通常会带来高昂的环境和社会成本。 从汽油或柴油动力汽车转向电动汽车,每年最多可减少 2 吨二氧化碳。 一辆混合动力汽车每年可为您节省多达 700 公斤的二氧化碳。


我们花钱购买的一切都会影响地球。 你有权选择你所支持的商品和服务。 为了减少对环境的影响,请选择致力于减少气体排放和减少浪费公司的产品。 如果你有资金为你投资,例如通过养老基金,它可能支持化石燃料或森林砍伐。 确保你的储蓄投资于环境可持续发展的业务可以大大减少您的碳足迹。


大声说出来,让其他人加入采取行动。 这是改变现状的最快、最有效的方法之一。 与你的邻居、同事、朋友和家人交谈。 让企业主知道你支持大胆的改变。呼吁当地和世界领导人立即采取行动。 气候行动是我们所有人的任务。 它关系到我们所有人。 没有人可以独自完成这一切 - 但我们可以一起完成。

来源:  https://www.un.org/node/143154#plant-based-food

其他来源和资料:  https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/climatechange, ;




Climate change is humanity's "code red" warning.  Our window to avoid climate catastrophe is closing rapidly.

Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use, the food we eat, and the things we buy, we can make a difference.

Greenhouse gas emissions per person vary greatly among countries. A person in the United States of America, on average, produces about 17.6 tons CO2e per year -- around 10 times as much as a person in India, and about three times the global average. In the European Union and the United Kingdom, the average footprint is approximately 7.9 tons of CO2e per person per year.

To preserve a livable climate, the average emissions per person per year will need to drop to around 2 to 2.5 tons of CO2e by 2030. Start with these ten actions to help tackle the climate crisis.

Save energy at home

Much of our electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil and gas. Use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with cold water, or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer. Improving your home’s energy efficiency, through better insulation for instance, or replacing your oil or gas furnace with an electric heat pump can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 900 kilograms of CO2e per year.

Walk, bike, or take public transport

The world’s roadways are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible. Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per year compared to a lifestyle using a car.

Eat more vegetables

Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and less meat and dairy, can significantly lower your environmental impact. Producing plant-based foods generally results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less energy, land, and water. Switching from a mixed to a vegetarian diet can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 500 kilograms of CO2e per year (or up to 900 kilograms for a vegan diet).

Consider your travel

Airplanes burn large amounts of fossil fuels, producing significant greenhouse gas emissions. That makes taking fewer flights one of the fastest ways to reduce your environmental impact. When you can, meet virtually, take a train, or skip that long-distance trip altogether. Taking one less long-haul return flight can reduce your carbon footprint by up to almost 2 tons of CO2e.

Throw away less food

When you throw food away, you're also wasting the resources and energy that were used to grow, produce, package, and transport it. And when food rots in a landfill, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. So use what you buy and compost any leftovers. Cutting your food waste can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 300 kilograms of CO2e per year.

Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle

Electronics, clothes, and other items we buy cause carbon emissions at each point in production, from the extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and transporting goods to market. To protect our climate, buy fewer things, shop second-hand, repair what you can, and recycle. Every kilogram of textiles produced generates about 17 kilograms of CO2e. Buying fewer new clothes – and other consumer goods – can reduce your carbon footprint and also cut down on waste.

Change your home's source of energy

Ask your utility company if your home energy comes from oil, coal or gas. If possible, see if you can switch to renewable sources such as wind or solar. Or install solar panels on your roof to generate energy for your home. Switching your home from oil, gas or coal-powered energy to renewable sources of energy, such as wind or solar, can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 1.5 tons of CO2e per year.

Switch to an electric vehicle

If you plan to buy a car, consider going electric, with more and cheaper models coming on the market. In many countries, electric cars help reduce air pollution and cause significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than gas or diesel-powered vehicles. But many electric cars still run on electricity produced from fossil fuels, and the batteries and engines require rare minerals which often come with high environmental and social costs. Switching from a gasoline or diesel-powered car to an electric vehicle can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per year. A hybrid vehicle can save you up to 700 kilograms of CO2e per year.

Make your money count

Everything we spend money on affects the planet. You have the power to choose which goods and services you support. To reduce your environmental impact, choose products from companies who use resources responsibly and are committed to cutting their gas emissions and waste. If you have money that is being invested for you, through a pension fund for instance, it may be supporting fossil fuels or deforestation. Making sure your savings are invested in environmentally sustainable businesses can greatly reduce your carbon footprint.

Speak up

Speak up and get others to join in taking action. It's one of the quickest and most effective ways to make a difference. Talk to your neighbors, colleagues, friends, and family. Let business owners know you support bold changes. Appeal to local and world leaders to act now. Climate action is a task for all of us. And it concerns all of us. No one can do it all alone – but we can do it together

source:  https://www.un.org/node/143154#plant-based-food

other resources and information:  https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/climatechange, ;



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