15 Classic American Recipes We Love

我们喜欢的 15 种经典美国食谱

从烤奶酪和汉堡到芝士蛋糕和苹果派,这些经典的美国食谱令人无法抗拒。 美国菜通常与油腻、脂肪和加工过的垃圾食品有关。 当然,它一点也不健康,但如果你想要的是舒适,那么美国食物就是你所寻求的。

1. 汉堡包

汉堡包是美国对人类最重要的贡献之一。 你怎么能在两个软面包之间吃一个多汁的碎牛肉馅饼呢? 无论您是举办比赛的日子还是在夏季烧烤简单的晚餐,这款举世闻名的三明治都适合每一个场合。 您总是可以从麦当劳、In-N-Out 和汉堡王来解决汉堡包的需求问题。 但是,如果您来自东海岸,那么您一定认为“白色城堡”的汉堡包可以击败任何其它店的汉堡包。

2. 纽约披萨

纽约风格的披萨具有标志性的手工薄皮,边缘厚而脆。 它也是大片出售的,一片绰绰有余。 它是如此之大,您需要将其对折以方便食用。

3. 牛排和土豆

我敢打赌,你找不到比多汁、入口即化的牛排和又脆又嫩的烤土豆更好的搭配了! 这顿丰盛而豪放的一餐是首屈一指美食。 如果你认为做起来很乏味,那你就错了。 它们在同一个平底锅中同时烘烤。 没有比这更容易的了。

4. 土豆短小球软饼

好像土豆短小球不能再让人上瘾了,我们决定把它们变成一个装满牛肉和蘑菇酱的软饼。 它不仅在风味方面获得最高分,而且还因为它是一种可以养活人群的简单食谱而获得高分。

5. 牛肉拌饭(面)

牛肉拌饭是一道美味的菜肴,以多汁的牛里脊和奶油蘑菇酱为特色。 上面铺着米饭、意大利面或鸡蛋面,真是太棒了,即使是讨厌蘑菇的人也不会拒绝。 我一直认为牛肉拌饭是一道特殊场合的菜,因为它太棒了。 当我发现只需要 30 分钟就可以完成时,你可以想象我的惊讶! 当我看到这个食谱时,我立即将它添加到我的平日晚餐轮换中。

6. 通心粉和奶酪

如果我要对最好的配菜进行排名,通心粉和奶酪肯定会排在首位。 这道充满奶油、芝士、赏心的菜非常好吃,我不介意在早餐、午餐和晚餐时单独食用。 当我需要提神时,这也是我的首选菜。 这是餐桌上舒适食物和幸福的缩影。

7. 缅因州龙虾卷

当你把甜龙虾肉和蛋黄酱放在热狗面包里时,你会得到什么? 一道食品的杰作,就是这样。 缅因州龙虾卷非常丰盛,值得起立鼓掌。 涂上黄油和蛋黄酱或柠檬汁,龙虾卷是海鲜爱好者的梦想成真。 虽然缅因州无疑提供最美味的龙虾卷,但您也可以用这个简单的食谱在家自己动手制作。

8. 蟹肉饼

蟹肉饼是又甜、又咸、又香、又脆、又嫩。 嚼一口有这些美味和质地就是完美的享受! 用Old Bay调味,外面用面包屑做成酥脆的,这些蟹肉饼让各种美味突然在你的嘴里爆发出来。 你可以烤、烤、烤或炸它们。 无论您如何烹饪它们,它们都非常出色。 在我看来,蟹肉饼最好和凉拌卷心菜一起吃。 除了冷热对比之外,我还喜欢凉拌卷心菜中的蛋黄酱如何兼作蟹肉蛋糕酱。

9. 美国芝士酱

液体奶酪,哦,多么令人向往! 这种简单的蘸酱可以让任何东西的味道变得好十倍。 这就像肉汁,甚至更好。 如果你像我一样痴迷于奶酪,那么这个食谱是必须尝试的。 制作大量并将其存放在罐子中。 这样,您就可以享用任何您能想到的小吃。 薯条、玉米片、面包棒 - 随时享用。 有时我甚至会把三明治蘸芝士酱吃。简直是天堂里的食物!

10. 鸡肉和饺子

来到“Cookie Barrel”的食谱 - 这个鸡肉和饺子的食谱就在这里,而且它总是有这个食谱。 这是一种可口的汤,以美味的鸡肉和柔软的枕头饺子为特色。 肉汤浓稠可口,非常适合寒冷和下雨的夜晚来吃这热乎乎的汤。 Cracker Barrel 所显示的食谱是用鸡肉和饺子把原来的淘汰了,但这个相仿的食谱也一样好! 而且制作起来更加实惠。

11. 绝对是美国的培根芝士汉堡

你知道第一个芝士汉堡是偶然创造的吗? 至少Pasadena那边的人是这么说的。 他们说,在 1920 年代后期,The Rite Spot 的一位厨师不小心烧了一个汉堡肉饼,并用奶酪将其闷死以掩盖它。 不管是真是假,有一件事是肯定的:芝士汉堡绝对是炫目。 加一些培根条,就立刻有让人垂涎三尺的效果!

12. 底特律风格比萨

底特律风格的比萨可能不像纽约和芝加哥那些同类型的比萨那么受欢迎,但它的美味却令人垂涎欲滴。 它很厚,而且是矩形的,而且非常赏心悦目。 底特律比萨的浇头分层方式也很独特:奶酪先于酱汁。 它很像一个深盘披萨,但边缘有奶酪硬皮! 你知道那有多棒?

13. 玉米粉蒸肉馅饼

不要把这道菜与玉米粉蒸肉或馅饼混淆,玉米粉蒸肉馅饼是一种由玉米做的面包和碎牛肉用平底锅制成的饼。 这道西南菜自 1900 年代以来一直存在,至今仍深受喜爱。 怎么可能不呢? 调味好的碎牛肉上覆盖着一层又甜又脆的玉米面包。 光是想想就让人流口水!

14. 通心粉沙拉

通心粉沙拉远非营养丰富,而是一种丰富、奶油、丰盛的配菜,非常适合与烧烤或在聚餐食用。 如果你和我一样喜欢它,你甚至可以单独享用它。 它的核心是弯曲的通心粉和蛋黄酱 - 一种提供最大风味的基本组合。 要获得更多特色,请添加切碎的洋葱、芹菜和甜椒。 用盐和胡椒调味,瞧! 我也喜欢将鸡丝放入加以混合,以获得漂亮的肉质对比。 赞。

15. 枫味培根玉米面包

玉米面包是舒适的代名词。 这种嫩而易碎的食物是辣椒的最佳表现! 经典的美食一定不会出错,但尝试新口味也无妨。 如果你认为枫叶香味的糖浆和培根和玉米面包很相配,这样的组配是必须尝试的。


From grilled cheese and burgers to cheesecake and apple pie, these classic American recipes are irresistible. American cuisine is often linked to greasy, fatty, and processed junk food. Sure, there’s nothing healthy about it at all, but if comfort is what you’re looking for, American food is what you turn to.

1. Hamburgers 

The hamburger is one of America’s most significant contributions to mankind. How can you go wrong with a juicy ground beef patty in between two soft buns? Whether you’re hosting a game day, a summer BBQ, or a simple dinner, this world-famous sandwich is perfect for any occasion.  You can always count on McDonald’s, In-N-Out, and Burger King for a burger fix. If you’re from the East Coast, though, White Castle is the one to beat. 

2. New York Pizza 

New York-style pizza has a trademark hand-tossed thin crust with thick and crisp edges. It’s also sold in big slices, and one slice is more than enough. It’s so big, you’ll need to fold it in half for easier consumption.

3. Steak and Potatoes

I’ll bet you can’t name a better pairing than juicy, melt-in-your-mouth steak and crisp and tender roasted potatoes! This hearty and indulgent meal is a winner. If you think it’s tedious to make, you’re mistaken. They’re baked at the same time in the same pan. It couldn’t get any easier than that.

4. Tater Tot Casserole 

As if tater tots couldn’t get any more addictive, we decided to turn them into a casserole loaded with beef and mushroom sauce. Not only does it get an A+ for flavor, but it also gets high marks for being a no-fuss recipe that can feed a crowd.

5. Beef Stroganoff 

Beef stroganoff is a delectable dish featuring juicy beef tenderloin in a creamy mushroom sauce. Topped on a bed of rice, pasta, or egg noodles, it’s so heavenly, even mushroom-haters won’t say no to it. I always thought of beef stroganoff as a special-occasion dish because it’s just too terrific. You can imagine my surprise when I found out it only takes 30 minutes to make! When I came across this recipe, I immediately added it to my weeknight meal rotation.

6. Mac and Cheese 

If I were to rank the best side dishes, mac and cheese would definitely be on top. This creamy, cheesy, hearty dish is so good I wouldn’t mind eating it on its own for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  It’s also my go-to dish when I’m in need of a pick-me-up. It’s the epitome of comfort food and happiness in a bowl.

7. Maine Lobster Rolls 

What do you get when you put sweet lobster meat with mayo in a hot dog bun? A masterpiece, that’s what. Maine lobster rolls are unbelievably sumptuous, and they deserve a standing ovation. Buttered and dressed with mayo or a splash of lemon juice, lobster rolls are a seafood lover’s dream come true.  While Maine undoubtedly offers the best-tasting lobster rolls, you can also whip up your own at home with this simple recipe.

8. Crab Cakes 

Crab cakes are sweet, salty, savory, crisp, and tender. All those delicious flavors and textures in one bite is perfection!  Seasoned with Old Bay and made crispy on the outside with bread crumbs, these crab cakes are the bomb. You can either broil, bake, grill, or fry them. They’re outstanding no matter how you cook them. In my opinion, crab cakes are best eaten with coleslaw. Aside from the hot-and-cold contrast, I also like how the mayo in the coleslaw doubles as a crab cake dressing. 

9. American Cheese Sauce 

Liquid cheese, oh, how I love thee! This simple dip can make anything taste 10 times better.  It’s like gravy, only better. If you’re obsessed with cheese like me, then this recipe is a must-try. Make a huge batch and store it in jars. That way, you get to enjoy it with any snack you can think of. Chips, nachos, breadsticks – you name it.  I sometimes even dip sandwiches in it. It’s pure heaven!

10. Chicken and Dumplings 

Move over Cracker Barrel – this recipe for chicken and dumplings is here, and it’s here to stay. It’s a cozy soup featuring savory chicken and soft, pillowy dumplings. The broth is thick and savory, which is perfect for cold and rainy evenings. Cracker Barrel has knocked it out of the park with its chicken and dumplings, but this copycat recipe is just as good! It’s more affordable to boot.

11. All-American Bacon Cheeseburgers

Did you know that the first-ever cheeseburger was created by accident? At least that’s what the guys over at Pasadena are saying. They say in the late 1920s, a chef at The Rite Spot burned a burger patty by accident and smothered it with cheese to cover it up. Whether true or not, one thing’s for sure: cheeseburgers are definite show-stoppers. Slap on some bacon strips for an even more jaw-dropping treat! 

12. Detroit Style Pizza

Detroit-style pizza may not be as popular as its cousins from New York and Chicago, but it’s just as lip-smackingly delicious. It’s thick, it’s rectangular, and it’s purely delightful. Detroit pizza is also unique in the way its toppings are layered: the cheese comes before the sauce. It’s a lot like a deep-dish pizza, but with cheesy crusty edges! How awesome is that?

13. Tamale Pie 

Not to be confused with a tamale or a pie, tamale pie is a casserole made of cornbread and ground beef.  This southwestern dish has been around since the 1900s and continues to be well-loved today. How can it not be? Well-seasoned ground beef is covered with a bed of sweet and crumbly cornbread. Just the thought of it makes me drool!

14. Macaroni Salad 

Far from being nutritious, macaroni salad is a rich, creamy, and hearty side dish ideal for barbecues and potlucks. If you love it as much as I do, you can even enjoy it as a meal on its own. It’s elbow macaroni and mayo at its core – a basic combination that delivers maximum flavors. For more character, add chopped onions, celery, and bell peppers. Season with salt and pepper and voila!  I like throwing shredded chicken into the mix, too, for a nice, meaty contrast. Yum.

15. Maple and Bacon Cornbread

Cornbread is synonymous with comfort. This tender and crumbly treat is the ultimate side to chili! You can’t go wrong with the classics, but it also doesn’t hurt to experiment on new flavors. If you think maple syrup and bacon go well with cornbread, this recipe is a must-try.

Source: https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/classic-american-recipes/ 

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