Online Study


 我们在Zoom上免费由美国人分不同班级、不同的时候来教授英文口语课程。请用电子邮件的方式向我们报名,邮件请寄到 ;也可以直接填写下面的表格。谢谢您的合作。


1. 你在上课时用的名字。因为绝大部分的老师是不会说中文的,希望你有一个英文名字或者把你的中文名字用英文来拼写。

2. 你的英文程度,比如你已经通过了哪一级的英语考试或者已经学完了什么样的课本,以便我们将程度相近的学生分在同一个班里。




3. 因为中国的时间与美国的时间差十多个小时,这对上课时间的安排带来一定的困难。目前上课的时间暂定在中国时间礼拜二和礼拜四晚上九点到十点;但是在夏令时期间,就是从三月的第二个礼拜天到十一月的第一个礼拜天,我们上课的时间为晚上八点到九点。 每堂课为一小时,每学期十周。请列出你希望的上课时间。并请告诉我们你愿意在礼拜几上课。



4. 告诉我们你的email地址,我们会用电子邮件通知你每一次课程的细节。

    报名的电子邮件可以用中文也可以用英文。我们注意到 QQ 系统不一定传递我们的邮件,请提供一个非 QQ 系统的邮箱地址。

5. 如果你使用微信,请告诉我们你微信的ID, 我们也在微信上通知我们的课程细节。我们用 Zoom 作为我们上课的语音工具。请在 下载 Zoom 的 APP。

We provide free English conversational classes on the Internet by using Zoom software. Classes will be in different levels and at different time and will be taught by Americans only. Please register the class by either email or fill in the form below. For using email, please send your registration email to:  Thanks for your understanding.

In your registration email, please include the following information:

1. Your name:

Please use an English name or convert your Chinese name into English format since the majority of our teachers do not speak Chinese.

2. Your English Level:

Please indicate your English level, such as when you passed what English level tests or finished what common English textbooks, so that we may be able to arrange similar level people in a class. 

Our Intermediate Class is designed for someone who has passed CET-4 or equivalent; our Advanced  Class is designed for someone who passed CET-6 or equivalent. At this moment, we do NOT have basic English class. 

Please tell us your English level honestly, do NOT exaggerate or degrade. If the class is too difficult for you then you may not get anything from the class; if the class is too easy for you then you may not gain anything either. If we find your English level does not match the class, you will be dropped out the class.

We do NOT teach British English or use British textbook but American English only. Mainly we teach American spoken English.

3. Your preferred time for your class:

Because of the time difference between China and the USA (about more than 10 hours), it is not easy to arrange a class schedules. At this moment, the class schedule is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m., Beijing time; but during Daylight Saving Time period, from the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of November, the time would be from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., Beijing time. Each class lasts no more than one hour and each term is 10 week long. Please let us know what your preferred class time is.

During summer time, from June to September, we will take summer vacation. But we may provide summer classes for those who already registered students. We make announcement to these students by email.

Our Intermediate English class is on Tuesdays and the Advanced English class is on Thursdays. 

4. Your email address:

Please let us know your email address since we use email to provide each class details. We have noticed that QQ system may NOT deliver our emails so that please provide an email address other than QQ email address.

You may use either Chinese or English for your class registration.

5. If you have WeChat account, please let us know your WeChat ID. We may use WeChat to provide class details. We use Zoom for our class audio.  Please go to to download Zoom App.

Please feel free to provide your comments and we will post our reply here too.  Thank you.


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