Beijing Winter Olympics, 2022


2022年冬奥会,正式名称为第24届冬奥会,俗称北京2022冬奥会,是一项即将于2022年2月4日至20日在北京及邻近城镇延庆和崇礼举行的国际冬季多项体育赛事。 中华人民共和国。

2015年7月,北京被选为主办城市。2022年冬奥会将是中国首届冬奥会,也是东亚连续三届奥运会(继2018年韩国平昌冬奥会和2020年冬奥会之后)的最后一届。 日本东京夏季奥运会),是继 2008 年北京夏季奥运会之后在中国举办的第二届奥运会。

冬奥会将首次由曾举办过夏季奥运会的城市举办; 将使用原为2008年奥运会建造的四个现有室内场馆以及北京国家体育场(用于开闭幕式)。


COVID-19 大流行导致 2020 年夏季奥运会推迟到 2021 年,这标志着自 1992 年以来冬季奥运会和夏季奥运会的首次举办时间间隔不到六个月。

2021 年 9 月 29 日,国际奥委会 (IOC) 宣布了奥运会的生物安全协议; 所有运动员都必须在参与期间保持在生物安全泡泡内,包括限制往返奥运会相关场馆的旅行。 除非他们已完全接种疫苗或获得有效的医疗豁免,否则所有运动员都必须在抵达后隔离 21 天。 与 2020 年夏季奥运会闭门举行之前通过的一项协议相呼应,国际奥委会还宣布,仅允许中华人民共和国居民作为观众观看奥运会。


Bing Dwen Dwen 是 2022 年冬季奥运会的吉祥物。 Bing Dwen Dwen 是从全球 35 个国家的数千个中国设计中挑选出来的。 “Bing”在汉语中意为冰,意为纯洁和力量。 “Dwen Dwen”意在暗示健壮、活泼和孩子。 Bing Dwen Dwen 宇航员般的服装暗示着冬奥会拥抱新技术并创造可能性。




2022 年冬奥会计划包括创纪录的 109 项赛事,涉及 7 个运动项目的 15 个学科。 这比2018年增加了7个项目。增加了男子和女子自由大跳台、女子单人、自由式滑雪高空、跳台滑雪和单板滑雪混合团体比赛以及短道速滑混合接力比赛,都是国际奥委会于 2018 年 7 月提出的项目。

1. 冬季两项

2. 雪橇

  • 有舵雪橇

  • 俯式冰橇

3. 冰壶

4. 冰球

5. 雪橇

6. 溜冰

  • 花式滑冰

  • 短道競速滑冰

  • 競速滑冰

7. 滑雪

  • 高山滑雪

  • 越野滑雪

  • 自由式滑雪

  • 北欧两项

  • 短道競速滑冰

  • 跳台滑雪

  • 單板滑雪


  1. 这篇文章有什么新的或有趣的地方?

  2. 冬奥会,尤其是本届冬奥会,对您来说意味着什么?

  3. 你以前做过冬季运动吗? 那是什么感觉?

  4. 你想尝试什么冬季运动? 为什么?

  5. 你有没有听过或读过关于北京 2022 的有趣故事,可以与全班分享?

The 2022 Winter Olympics, officially the XXIV Olympic Winter Games and commonly known as Beijing 2022, are an upcoming international winter multi-sport event scheduled to take place from February 4th to the 20th, 2022 in Beijing and neighboring towns of Yanqing and Chongli in the People's Republic of China.

Beijing was elected as host city in July 2015. The 2022 Winter Olympics will be the first Winter Olympics in China, the last of three consecutive Olympics to be held in East Asia (after the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan), and the second overall Olympics to be held in China, after the 2008 Summer Olympics also in Beijing.

For the first time, the Winter Olympics will be hosted by a city that previously hosted the Summer Olympics; four existing indoor venues that were originally constructed for the 2008 Games, as well as the Beijing National Stadium (for the opening and closing ceremonies), will be used.

Impact of Covid-19 on the Olympic Games

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics, to 2021, marking the first time since 1992 in which the Winter and Summer Olympics would be held less than six months apart from each other.

On 29 September 2021, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced biosecurity protocols for the Games; all athletes will be required to remain within the bio-secure bubble for the duration of their participation, including restrictions on travel to and from Games-related venues. Unless they are fully-vaccinated or have a valid medical exemption, all athletes will be required to quarantine for 21 days upon arrival. Mirroring a protocol adopted for the 2020 Summer Olympics before they were moved behind closed doors, the IOC also announced that only residents of the People's Republic of China will be permitted to attend the Games as spectators.


Bing Dwen Dwen is the mascot of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Bing Dwen Dwen was chosen from thousands of Chinese designs in 35 countries worldwide. "Bing" means ice in Chinese, and is meant to suggest purity and strength. "Dwen Dwen" is meant to suggest robust, lively, and also children. Bing Dwen Dwen's astronaut-like clothes imply that the Winter Olympics embraces new technologies and create possibilities.

Opening Ceremony

As happened at the 2008 Summer Olympics, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held at the Beijing National Stadium ( the Bird's Nest) on the evening/night of 4 February 2022.


The 2022 Winter Olympics are scheduled to include a record 109 events over 15 disciplines in seven sports. This represented an increase of seven events from 2018. The men's and women's big air freestyle, women's monobob, mixed team competitions in freestyle skiing aerials, ski jumping, and snowboard cross, and the mixed relay in short track speed skating were the new events added by the International Olympic Committee in July 2018.

  1. Biathlon

  2. Bobsledding

    • Bobsleigh *

    • Skeleton

  3. Curling

  4. Ice hockey

  5. Luge

  6. Skating

    • Figure skating

    • Short track speed skating*

    • Speed skating

  7. Skiing

    • Alpine skiing

    • Cross-country skiing

    • Freestyle skiing *

    • Nordic combined

    • Ski jumping *

    • Snowboarding *

(* new sport events)

Source: Wikipedia

Discussion questions:

  1. What is new or interesting to you from this article?

  2. What does the Winter Olympics or, in particular, this Winter Olympics mean to you?

  3. Have you done any winter sports before? What was it like?

  4. What winter sport would you like to try? Why?

  5. Do you have an interesting story that you have heard or read about Beijing 2022 that you can share with the class?