7 Secrets Of Super Centenarians





目前在美国,有超过七万个百岁老 寿星,而且人们估计到2050年的时候,这个数字将超过八万。


    1. 吃的得当

百岁老寿星吃得很简单,而且大部分都吃五颜六色的水果和蔬菜。绿色多叶的蔬菜、具有很多番茄红素的红色番茄、深色的水果比如蓝莓、多纤维和含油量高的鱼 类,这一些食品就提供了丰富的低热量膳食。如果你买不到新鲜的蔬菜和水果,那就吃冰冻的蔬菜和水果,因为冷冻蔬菜和水果一般是在它们最新鲜的时候,也就是 当它们营养最丰富的时候制作的。


2. 积极锻炼身体


走楼梯 - 一天五次在一段楼梯上跑上跑下,人们没有料到,这点运动量对大部分人来说就已经很好了。

走路 - 精神抖擞地走30分钟,每星期3次。

举重 - 专家们相信有办法阻止老年性骨质疏松和肌肉萎缩。在某些情况下甚至可以通过举重来恢复骨质和肌肉。最近他们对一组50岁的和60岁的女士们在进行了举重锻炼程序,之后又对她们的骨质和肌肉进行测试,所得到的结果竟然与30岁的女士一样好。

3. 适当的社交生活

要保持一个亲密的社交朋友网络,而且相互间要建立那种相互不可缺少的关系。这就是说,大家一起做很多大家喜都欢的事情,相互关心。人们本能地会礼尚往来, 你对我好;我也会对你好。但是建立社交信誉不是有社交活动的目的。事实上,人们在内心中有一个“人们需要我”的强烈要求,满足了这个要求,这就给你生活带 来目的和意义,也会使你有能力圆满地解决生活中的坎坎坷坷,并使你感到心满意足。

4. 保持你的好奇心

不能闭关自守杜门自绝,要关心你周围的事项并扩大你的视野。这就是说,你要看书,要浏览万维网,或者尽量争取机会走出去看看。我知道一位马上就要到101足岁的老太太,她 是一位“红帽子俱乐部”的成员。而且是一位真正的行动者。每当俱乐部有活动的时候,她总是坐上俱乐部预备的公共汽车上,与大家一起外出。事实上,她在近二十年里很少与那些整天唠叨,要不就坐着看电视的老年人为伍。

5. 想玩就玩

给你自己一点时间做做自己喜欢的业余爱好,也给自己一些时间消遣消遣娱乐娱乐。很多人在长大以后就不再把自己的业余爱好、消遣和娱乐保留在生活中了,以为这些事 只是孩子们的事。比如,如果你喜欢弹钢琴,那就去学一首新的曲子,而且要学一首对你来说是有一点难度的。如果你想要画画,到学校去上一些艺术方面的课,去学怎样画画。可能你喜欢在你自己的院子里种种花草,可能你喜欢打高尔夫球,可能你喜欢下象棋或者打牌 ,这些事情都应该去做。如果你现在没有什么喜好,那就赶快找一项,等你老了你就可以享受,从而就不需要由别人来为你表演。

6. 要有足够的睡眠

绝大部分美国人都没有足够的睡眠,可能有的人睡不着。医生们认为一天要有七到八个小时的睡眠,人才能有比较好的休息。所以应该有一个好的作息时间计划,保 持足够的睡眠。即使是在周末,也应该按作息时间计划来做。避免在上床前的两小时内进食或者喝酒,也不要在睡觉前的三小时内做体育运动。体育锻炼可以刺激身 体的肌肉和骨骼的生长,但是不一定会使你有好的睡眠。另外,如果你不能好好入睡的话,还要检查一下你的床垫。不好的床垫会给你带来睡眠问题。

7. 坚持你的信念

坚信你是可以成为一个百岁老寿星的。甚至那些身体有些疾病的,比如心脏病、糖尿病、血压高的病人也都有活到100岁的。好的遗传基因确实是有好处,然而生 了病的人虽然不能期望会有奇事出现,但是越来越多的人能够把他们的病情控制得非常好。因为现在的医生懂得如何来检测病人的病情,而且人们广泛地采取了预防 性的措施, 减缓了病情的发展,增强了体质。



1. 你觉得在这篇文章里的那些内容激励了你,使你的日常生活会有改变?

2. 你是否听到过其他的长寿秘诀?

3. 你是否已经在按照上述的长寿秘诀指导你的生活?

4. 请描写一下,如果你活到 100 多岁,你的生活会怎么样。

The article is from: http://agingparentsauthority.com/health/7-secrets-of-super-centenarians/

Do you want to live to be 100 or beyond? Think it’s impossible?

There are over 70,000 centenarians living in the U.S. today and their numbers are expected to grow to over 800,000 by the year 2050.

What are the longevity secrets of these super centenarians and how can they help you reach your goals of a long and fulfilling lifetime?

1. Eat Well

Super centenarians eat simply and many eat a colorful plate that includes lots of fruits and vegetables. Green leafy vegetables, red tomatoes rich in lycopene, dark colored fruits such as blueberries, plenty of fiber and oily fish will go a long way toward giving you a well rounded diet. If you can’t get fresh vegetables and fruits, eat them frozen since they are usually preserved at the moment of their peak freshness, which is when they are the most nutritious.

Needless to say, it’s better to leave off foods high in fats, salt, and calories and only eat a little red meat per week.

2. Exercise

Centenarians are generally active now or were very active in their younger years. Experts believe any kind of exercise, no matter how simple, is better than not doing anything and you’re never too old to get started.

Climb Stairs- running up and down a flight of stairs five times a day is actually good for most people, contrary to popular thought.

Walking- walk briskly for 30 minutes three times per week.

Lift Weights- Experts believe bone and muscle loss can be stopped, and in some cases, reversed by lifting weights. Recently, a group of women in their 50’s and 60’s were able to score as well as women in their 30’s on a strength test after a weight lifting program.

3. Social

Keep a strong social network of friends. Make friends by becoming indispensable to others. That can mean doing a lot of favors and being considerate. Naturally, most people will reciprocate but building up social credit is not the biggest pay-off. You have a deep need to feel needed. That gives you

purpose and rounds out the rough areas of your life. It will also make you happy.

4. Curiosity

Stay interested in your world and increase your surroundings, instead of cocooning inside yourself. That may mean reading, surfing on the Internet, or just going out any chance you get. I know of one lady who will be 101 on her next birthday and she is a member of the Red Hat Club. She’s a doer and gets on the bus with the others anytime they go out. In fact, she has very little patience with seniors up to twenty years her junior who spend most of their time complaining and watching television.


Give yourself time to pursue hobbies and pastimes that give you pleasure. Many adults neglect this area of their lives because they think play is only for children. If you like to play the piano, for example, learn a new piece and make sure is is a little difficult. If you want to paint, take art lessons and learn how. Working in your yard may be something you like to do or you may enjoy golf or playing chess or bridge. If you don’t have a hobby, find one so you won’t be dependent on others to entertain you as you get older.

6. Sleep

Most Americans do not get enough sleep, or they can’t sleep well. Doctors still think 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is a good rest period and should be consistent with a schedule you stick to, even on weekends. Refrain from eating and drinking up to two hours before bedtime. Do not exercise within three hours before retiring. A work-out stimulates you and does not help you settle down for a good restful sleep. Also, check your mattress, if you’re having trouble sleeping. Surprisingly it could be causing some sleeping problems.

7. Goals

Don’t give up on your goal to become a centenarian. Even people with chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure are living to 100. Good genes certainly help and people in bad health can’t expect miracles, but more and more people are controlling their chronic conditions very well. That’s because doctors are learning more about how to monitor these conditions and people are taking more of a pro-active approach toward their own health.

It’s never too late to start building your life and health around the secrets of super centenarians who have lived to be 100. As geriatric expert, Dr. Thomas Perls states, " the older you get, the healthier you’ve been." Start now and make one small step toward a successful old age.

Questions and discussion:

1. What did you learn from this article that motivates you to change something in your daily life?

2. Have you heard of any other secrets of longevity?

3. What of the above secrets of centenarians are you already practicing?

4. Describe what you would want your life to be like if you live to be 100+ years old.