Best Picture



每年一月份,全世界演艺界和电影明星的粉丝们都把眼光集中在美国的“学院奖”(通称“奥斯卡金像奖”)上。人们对获奖者的兴趣和预测,就把那将会有千百万人通过电视转播看到的那引人注目、富有魅力的奥斯卡金像奖颁奖仪式和那些获制片最高荣誉奖 的人物精彩场面在二月份推向高潮。

奥斯卡金像奖是为去年在世界电影事业上最有成就的演员和其他各种专业人员颁奖。评判委员会的成员约有6,000位,他们会用无记名投票的方式,并由国际著名的审计机构“普华永道会计师事务所”统计结果。在向全世界实况播放的电视机 里打开信封之前,审计机构绝对统计结果保密。








因为评比委员会非常有效地阻止了形形色色的走后门、送礼之类左道旁门的行为,为了提名所做的竞争只能主要在摄影棚里的各种尝试和努力、经销商的努力和宣传广告;目的是确保将近6000名评比委员会的成员都看了他们的电影。为了达到这些目的,于是就有为评比委员会成员特别放映的电影专场、免费招待对电影的介绍和特别广告、 加上给评比委员会成员邮寄电影的DVD。



提名的选票在十二月的下旬寄给评比委员会的正式成员,要求在第二年的一月份寄给“普华永道会计师事务所”,就是那个国际著名的会计事务所 ,进行统计。






评比委员会的所有正式会员都有资格对所有的奥斯卡金像奖的项目投票,但是对于五个项目 - 动画片、真人短片、文献资料片、记录短片、非英语电影 - 会员必须在有证据证明已经看过了项目中的所有影片后,才能对该项目投票。



  • 贝尔法斯特

  • 结尾

  • 不要抬头

  • 开我的车

  • 沙丘

  • 理查国王

  • 甘草披萨

  • 噩梦巷

  • 狗的力量

  • 西区故事


    1. 您最喜欢什么种类的电影,比如:武打片、喜剧片、惊悚片、戏剧片、文选资料片、动画片?为什么?

    2. 哪个电影是您所喜欢的电影?请简单地叙述一下这部电影和您喜爱的原因。

    3. 如果你赢得奥斯卡金像奖,您希望您自己在人们心目中印象是什么?为什么?

    4. 您是否听说过或者看过奥斯卡金像奖的颁奖仪式?这是不是在您那儿的电影事业中也有类似的情况?

About the Academy Awards

Each January, the entertainment community and film fans around the world turn their attention to the Academy Awards. Interest and anticipation builds to a fevered pitch leading up to the Oscar telecast in February, when hundreds of millions of movie lovers tune in to watch the glamorous ceremony and learn who will receive the highest honors in filmmaking.

The Oscars reward the previous year’s greatest cinema achievements as determined by some of the world’s most accomplished motion picture artists and professionals. The Academy’s roughly 6,000 members vote for the Oscars using secret ballots, which are tabulated by the international auditing firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers. The auditors maintain absolute secrecy until the moment the show’s presenters open the envelopes and reveal the winners on live television.

And the Oscar Goes To...

Awards are presented for outstanding individual or collective efforts in up to 25 categories. Members select winners from as many as five nominees in each category, which are determined by members of the relevant Academy branch. (For instance, only film editors may nominate for the Achievement in Film Editing award.) The only exceptions are the Best Picture category, for which nominees are selected by the entire membership, and the Best Foreign Language films, which are nominated by a committee of members drawn from all branches.

Broadcast rights to the annual Oscar telecast provide the majority of the revenue for the organization’s rich and varied year-round activities.

The Voting Process

Each November, an election campaign commences that rivals, at least in Hollywood, the passions and sometimes the excesses of the quadrennial race for the nation’s presidency.

It’s the race for the Academy Award nomination.

Because the Academy numbers among its members the most gifted and skilled artists and craftsmen in the motion picture world, its Award stands alone as a symbol of superior achievement.

And because of the Academy’s successful efforts to eliminate splashy gimmicks and gifts, the “race” to be nominated consists principally of attempts by studios, independent distributors and publicists to make sure that each of the nearly 6,000 voting members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences sees their film. It means special screenings for Academy members, free admission to commercial runs of a film, and the mailing of DVDs.

The Academy aggressively monitors Award campaigning and has issued regulations that limit company mailings to those items that actually assist members in their efforts to assess the artistic and technical merits of a film.

The Nominations Process

Nomination ballots are mailed to the Academy’s active members in late December and are due back to PricewaterhouseCoopers, an international accounting firm, in January.

Regular awards are presented for outstanding individual or collective film achievements in up to 25 categories. Members from each of the branches vote to determine the nominees in their respective categories – actors nominate actors, film editors nominated film editors, etc. However within the Animated Feature Film and Foreign Language Film categories, nominations are selected by vote of multi-branch screening committees.

All voting members are eligible to select the Best Picture nominees.

The results of nomination balloting are announced at a 5:30 a.m. (PT) press conference the third week of January at the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.

Final Balloting Process

Final ballots are mailed to voting members in late-January and are due back to PricewaterhouseCoopers the Tuesday prior to Oscar Sunday for final tabulation.

The Academy’s entire active membership is eligible to select Oscar winners in all categories, although in five – Animated Short Film, Live Action Short Film, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short Subject, and Foreign Language Film – members can vote only after attesting they have seen all of the nominated films in those categories.

After final ballots are tabulated, only two partners of PricewaterhouseCoopers know the results until the famous envelopes are opened onstage during the Academy Awards presentation.

Nominations for Best Picture of 2021:

    • Belfast

    • CODA

    • Don't Look Up

    • Drive My Car

    • Dune

    • King Richard

    • Licorice Pizza

    • Nightmare Alley

    • The Power of the Dog

    • West Side Story

Discussion Questions:

1. What type (Action, Comedy, Thrillers, Drama, Documentary, or Animation) of movies do you like? Why?

2, What is your all time favorite film? Briefly, describe what it is about and why you like it.

3. If you won an Oscar, what category would you like people to remember you by? Why?

4. Have you heard of or seen the Academy Awards? Is there an equivalent in the film industry in your country?