



欢迎您使用QuickPay with Zelle® 向我们捐款。捐款时,请注明您的联络方式,因为我们要寄免税的捐款收据给您。

如果这是您第一次使用QuickPay with Zelle®向我们捐款,您需要先加一个收款人,名称是:Frisco Salt and Light, Corp.,电子邮箱地址是,不需要填电话号码。然后储存起来,从此您只要在您的QuickPay with Zelle®收款人名单上选我们的名字就可以给我们捐款了。



Frisco Salt and Light, Corp.

P. O. Box 251727

Plano TX 75025-1727



Frisco Salt and Light, Corp. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Your donation shall be deducted at your tax return.


You may use QuickPay with Zelle® to donate and support us. Please clearly state your contact information because we will send you a tax deductible receipt for your donation.

If it is your first time to use QuickPay with Zelle®, you need to add a recipient. The name is: Frisco Salt and Light, Corp., the email address is:, no need to put any telephone number. Save this recipient then you are able to use this recipient to donate to us.


You may send your donation check to:

Frisco Salt and Light, Corp.

P. O. Box 251727

Plano TX 75025-1727


Note: At this time, we only accept donations from the USA. Thank you for your understanding.