



欢迎您掃描下面的二維碼,使用QuickPay with Zelle® 向我们捐款,支持我們的福音事工。


Frisco Salt and Light, Corp. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Your donation shall be deducted at your tax return.


You are welcome to scan the following QR code to use QuickPay with Zelle® to donate and support us. 

Please clearly state your contact information because we will send you a tax deductible receipt for your donation.

如果您不方便掃描二維碼,也直接使用 QuickPay with Zelle® 向我们捐款。捐款时,请注明您的联络方式,因为我们要寄免税的捐款收据给您。

如果这是您第一次使用QuickPay with Zelle®,您需要先加一个收款人,名称是:Frisco Salt and Light, Corp., 电子邮箱地址是, 不需要填电话号码,然后储存起来就可以了。以后每一次就只要在您的 QuickPay with Zelle® 收款人名单上写我们的名字就可以了。


Frisco Salt and Light, Corp.

P. O. Box 251727

Plano TX 75025-1727


If you are not familiar with QR code, you may also use QuickPay with Zelle® to donate your money to support our ministry. Please clearly state your contact information because we will send you a tax exempt receipt for your donation.

If it is your first time to use this method, you need to add a recipient. The name is Frisco Salt and Light, Corp., and the email is No telephone number is needed. Save this recipient then you may use this recipient to donate your money, from now on.

You may send your donation check to:

Frisco Salt and Light, Corp.

P. O. Box 251727

Plano TX 75025-1727