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I.    成为我们这个团队团员的基本要求如下:

1.   必须是一位重生得救的基督徒;

2.   有一颗愿意为主摆上、热心事奉的心;

3.   至少愿意参加我们二十个礼拜的事奉;

4.   教会主任牧师的推荐信;

5.   有一定的电脑知识,能够用电脑打字;

6.   能够按时完成工作。

II.  成为我们带领网上查经的成员的要求:

1.  具有我们团员基本要求的主内弟兄;

2.  现任或曾经是教会的教牧同工,或者至少有五年教主日学经验的主日学老师;

III. 成为我们的英文老师的要求:

1.       具有我们团员的基本要求; 

2.       在美国或者加拿大接受了从小学到大学完整的教育,以及在美国或加拿大居住了二十年以上,流利地用英文交流者。如果没有美国或者加拿大大学或者大学以上毕业文凭者,须通过我们英语老师的面试。

IV. 我们所需要的义工:

1.    祷告团队成员; 

2.    中文查经班带领者;

3.    英文查经班带领者;

4.    英语口语老师;

5.    英译中,翻译人员;

6.    中译英,翻译人员;

7.    电脑专家 ;

8.    电脑录音专家 – 熟悉音乐录音软件。

V.  如果感兴趣,请填下面的表格,或者送电子邮件到。谢谢!


We are looking forward to seeing more brothers and sisters in Christ to participate in our ministry and serve our Lord together.

Everyone in our organization is a volunteer; we all dedicate our lives to our Lord Jesus Christ. No one gets any financial compensation but tasks to serve people. Jesus teaches us, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” This is our mission. 

Our budget is totally from our donations and all the money are spent for this origination’s mission only.

I.           Here is the basic criteria for becoming our member:

a)        Must be a born again Christian;

b)        Have a dedicating loving heart to serve the Lord;

c)        Willing to participate 20 weeks service, at least;

d)        A recommendation letter for your Senior Pastor/Lead Pastor;

e)        Having some computer knowledge such as typing with the computer;

f)          Willing to finish assignments on time.

II.         The criteria for our Bible Study Leader:

a)        Brothers in Christ within our member basic criteria;

b)        Current or former pastoral staff or a Sunday School teacher with at least five (5) years Sunday School teaching experiences.

III.       The criteria for our English Teacher:

a)        Meet our member basic criteria;

b)        Finished from elementary to college education in USA or Canada; or have lived in USA or Canada for no less than twenty (20) years and use English fluently. If without college diploma, he/she must pass our English language interview.  

IV.      Job openings:

a)       Prayer team member

b)       Chinese Bible Study leaders;

c)       English Bible Study leaders;

d)       Spoken English teachers;

e)       Translators – From English to Chinese;

f)        Translators – From Chinese to English;

g)       Computer exports;

h)       Computer exports – Familiar with some music recording programs.

V.     If you are interested, please fill in the following form or email us at  or call us at 1-469-300-9839

Please finish the following form and we will contact you ASAP. Thank you for your willingness.
