St. Mirren 1 Accies 0

Although the result of this game was close, there should be no doubt that St Mirren thoroughly deserved to win the game. The only goal came late in the second half through substitute Craig Dargo against an Accies team that was missing stalwarts Mark McLaughlin and Alex Neil.

Accies remain at the foot of the table with Inverness and Falkirk just ahead of them on goal difference.

St Mirren 1 Hamilton Accies 0

St Mirren Park, Paisley

Saturday, 27th December 2008

Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League

St Mirren Park (or Love St as it's more commonly known) has never been a happy hunting ground for Accies. Apart from one glorious day in 1993 when Accies lifted the B&Q Cup with a win against Morton, victories at this famous old ground have been few and far between. Unfortunately, this time the story was to be repeated as St Mirren won the game more comfortably than the scoreline suggests. The single goal by substitute Craig Dargo was the difference between the sides but Accies could have had no complaints if the margin of victory had been a bit wider.

Manager Billy Reid was pleased to be able to field Tomas cerny, with the Czech 'keeper having recovered from the head knock he sustained against Motherwell. Mark McLaughlin and Alex Neil were not so fortunate and both missed the game. Neil will also miss the forthcoming home matches against Aberdeen and Inverness through suspension. This meant that Martin Canning started the game after replacing McLaughlin last week and Tony Stevenson made a rare appearance in the top team in place of Neil.

The home team came at Accies from the start and should have been a goal ahead after 90 seconds. A good ball down the right found Denis Wyness with a great shooting opportunity. Tomas Cerny did really well to block but the ball looped invitingly into the air. Andy Dorman was on the spot and the goal should have been a formality, but he headed over the top with the goal gaping. Simon Mensing then fired in a good shot after being set up by Richard Offiong, but his shot hit the side netting.

Accies found it difficult to penetrate the St Mirren defence and the closest they came to a goal came after 20 minutes when a delightful chip over the defence by James McArthur gave James McCarthy a clear sight of goal. However, St Mirren goalkeeper Mark Howard came out to block his effort. Accies had to be very vigilant at the back and Chris Swailes had to make an important clearance from an excellent cross into the area.

The bulk of the first half was pretty even, with St Mirren having more possession than Accies and winning several corners. However, Tomas Cerny was comfortable in goal and didn't have to make any saves that were particularly difficult. Accies created a good opportunity when they won a free kick on the right. Tony Stevenson's kick was flicked on by David Elebert to Chris Swailes at the back post but the defender couldn't get his shot on target.

Accies had played reasonably well in the first half but things were different after the break as the hosts increased the pressure. Accies best attempt on goal came from a Richard Offiong effort just a few minutes after half time, but his low left foot shot didn't hit the target. St Mirren were playing with confidence now and Any Dorman sent in a great shot that Tomas Cerny did well to save. Accies were being run ragged at times and Billy Reid made his first change, with Derek Lyle coming on for Tony Stevenson. Accies had a let-off on the 77th minute when Tomas Cerny raced from his line to hack the ball clear.

Accies' hopes of gaining a point from this game were dashed in the 79th minute, when a good pass from Andy Dorman released defender Jack Ross on the right. He got behind the Accies defence and cut the ball back into the middle where substitute Craig Dargo was waiting to lash it past Tomas Cerny. Three sides of the stadium erupted.

Billy Reid made two more changes after this, with Joel Thomas coming on for Chris Swailes and David Graham replacing Brian Easton. Now it was a case of Accies throwing everything forward and although they managed to force a couple of easy saves from Mark Howard, an equalising goal didn't look likely. St Mirren held on comfortably for the three points they deserved.

It was pretty obvious that Accies really missed skipper Alex Neil and defender Mark McLaughlin. The defence played quite well in this game but, apart from a few flashes from McCarthy and McArthur, the midfield didn't get going. Results elsewhere meant that Accies are still level with Inverness and Falkirk at the foot of the league and Accies will be hopeful of gathering some points from their two consecutive home games.

St Mirren: Howard, Ross, Potter, Cuthbert, Miranda, Brady (Mason 90), Murray, Dorman, McGinn, Hamilton(Mehmet 87), Wyness (Dargo 69). Subs Not Used: Smith, Brighton, Barron, McAusland.

Booked: Ross, Miranda.

Goals: Dargo 79.

Hamilton: Cerny, Swailes (Thomas 81), Canning, Elebert, McClenahan, McCarthy, McArthur, Stevenson (Lyle 66), Easton (Graham 84), Offiong, Mensing. Subs Not Used: Murdoch, Gibson, Akins, Gow.

Booked: Swailes.

Att: 4,794

Ref: M Tumilty

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