Accies 1 St. Johnstone 0

Accies were given a hard game by St Johnstone on Saturday but eventually recorded their first home win over the Perth men in over a decade thanks to an early goal by midfielder James McArthur. Accies maintain their slender advantage over Dundee at the top of the league, with the Dens Park men winning at Cappielow.

Hamilton Accies 1 St Johnstone 0

New Douglas Park, Hamilton

Saturday, 15th December 2007

Irn Bru League Division 1

Accies recorded their first home win over St Johnstone in over a decade with this narrow victory on a cold day at New Douglas Park. Manager Billy Reid made three changes for this game, with David Elebert returning from injury to resume his excellent partnership with Mark Mclaughlin in the heart of the defence. Further forward, Roman Wallner and Mark Gilhaney were replaced by David Graham and David Winters.

It was the visitors who held the initiative for the early part of the match, with their best chance coming when Steven Milne headed a Rocco Quinn corner kick just over the top from close range. It was a bit of a surprise then, that Accies took the lead after 11 minutes with their first meaningful attack of the game. James McCarthy took possession and burst clear on the right wing. Seeing that options inside the area were limited, he fired the ball low across the edge of the area. It was out reach for the first Accies player but ran kindly for James McArthur to shoot home with a low shot. James didn't strike the ball too powerfully, but it was enough to give Accies the lead.

The next incident of note came after 24 minutes when Simon Mensing was yellow carded by the referee for a foul on Peter McDonald on the touchline. The booking was probably justified as McDonald had beaten Mensing, but it was to be the start of an anxious 20 minutes spell for the on loan Motherwell man. He committed another couple of fouls and must have been on the brink of a second yellow card from Mr Tumilty. For this reason, he was substituted just after the interval, with James Gibson taking over. Goran Stanic was also cautioned by the referee for a high challenge on Bryn Halliwell.

There can be little doubt that the visitors were unfortunate to be trailing at the break. They certainly had the majority of the possession, although they didn't create any genuine chances to equalise. In the early stages of the second half, Accies appeared to be content to let the Perth men have the ball. This philosophy was based on the superb form of the Accies defence, where Brian Easton was having an excellent game and the central partnership of David Elebert and especially Mark McLaughlin were a rock upon which all of the Saints attacks crumbled.

There were a couple of tricky moments however. The best opportunity came when Bryn Halliwell made a marvellous leap to tip a netbound Steven Milne header onto and over the crossbar. Accies, however, came into the things more as the game progressed. David Winters was really unlucky when his curling shot from just outside the area went just past the post with Alan Main beaten. David Graham had a quiet afternoon on his home debut, but he came mighty close to doubling his side's lead with a brilliant piece of skill. After a St Johnstone attack broke down, the ball was played to David Winters on the half way line. He instantly thumped the ball over to the right wing towards Graham. The Gretna player was covered by two Saints defenders but he wriggled in between them to give himself a clear sight of goal. His skill probably justified a goal but his low shot was well saved by Alan Main.

Billy Reid made his final changes with half an hour remaining when Richard Offiong and David Graham were replaced by Brian Wake and Mark Gilhaney. Big Brian isn't the most elegant player ever to don the hoops, but he was certainly a handful for the tiring St Johnstone defence. It was also good to see Mark Gilhaney attacking their left side with renewed energy - he did really well and must have played himself back into contention for a starting spot in the next game. For a spell near the end, the visitor's goal led a charmed life. Man of the match James McCarthy was getting forward whenever he could and one neat bit of interplay with James McArthur game him a chance to run at Allan Main. He opted to pass to the unmarked Brian Wake instead of shooting but the ball was just a fraction too far ahead of Brian and the ball trundled past the post.

Mark Gilhaney was a real nuisance to the Perth defence and twice came close to scoring. Derek McInnes made all of his permitted changes but the only one to cause any alarm was the introduction of Willie McLaren. the former Airdrie United winger has been a thorn in Accies side on almost every occasion he has played against them. He did threaten once, with a low cross that was fired over the top, but otherwise he was unable to make much of an impression.

So it was a hard fought three points for Accies - but it was a win that they just about deserved. Billy Reid said afterwards that you sometimes have to "win ugly" and that was how this game worked out. Best for Accies were James McCarthy (who won the sponsor's man of the match award) and the defensive trio of Brain Easton, david Elebert and Mark McLaughlin. The manager was raving about the performances of McCarthy and McLaughlin after the game and he was absolutely correct.

Hamilton: Halliwell, Mensing (Gibson 47), Easton, McCarthy, Elebert, McLaughlin, Winters, McArthur, Offiong (Wake 60), Neil, Graham (Gilhaney 60).

Subs Not Used: Wallner, Cerny.

Booked: Mensing, Winters.

Goals: McArthur 11.

St Johnstone: Main, Irvine, Craig, Stanic (Weatherston 82), McManus, Anderson, MacDonald, Quinn, Jackson (Stewart 86), Milne (McLaren), Sheerin.

Subs Not Used: Cuthbert, Moon.

Booked: Quinn.

Att: 1,922

Ref: M Tumilty

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