9 July



1952: Ground improvements being carried out.

1957: The club were fined £10 and severely censured by the SFA for sending Director A.Miller to a meeting for which he was ineligible.

1993: New signings were Paul Chalmers and Crawford Baptie.

2002: Secretary, Scott Struthers, announced that the club had closed down as all members of staff, players and office staff, totally around 50 altogether, were withdrawing their labour due to the non payment of wages.

Jock Brown was reported in the press as saying that his concern was for the well-being of the club and if another bidder has indeed entered the race to get the club he has no objection to that. His consortium is prepared to clear the £750,000 debt that has been incurred and give the players and staff their back dated wages.

The present Board have asked for a few days to consider the proposal and a decision is expected by Tuesday 16th July.

2002: South Lanarkshire Council Planning Committee granted permission for a Sunday Market to operate in the club car park. It was hoped that with 44 stalls, the sum of £50,000 could be raised. The proposed operators are Kirkcaldy Indoor Market who operate a similar facility at East Fife’s ground in Methil.





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