Accies 2 Clyde 3: Saturday, 4 December 1999

Report by Donald Anderson

Another miserable defeat today, but we did seem to be getting the breaks until Clyde pulled one back just before half time. Accies took the lead after a goalmouth scramble. Darren Henderson had his back to goal at the left corner of the six yard box, and tried to turn for the shot, before sensibly leaving it for the incoming Ross McLaren to smash home.

The lead was extended following some nice skills by Nicky Henderson, skipping past two defenders to reach the left hand byeline, before cutting the ball across goal for an easy strike by David McFarlane. Tricky Nicky was, however, partnering McFarlane up front most of the time, when many, I believe, would prefer to see him running the midfield.

Davidson returned, and looked as though he hadn't lost any of his ability during his absence. It had really been an even game, and the 2-0 lead was more than we deserved. The goal Clyde pulled back may have been controversial, with a close shot striking the underside of the bar and apparently bouncing wide of the goal. Phyically impossible though it may seem, the linesman signalled that the ball had crossed the line, bringing a stunned and bemused look from Steve Thompson who had been carrying the rebound safely wide when the goal was signalled. This took place at the end to the right of the Jackie Husband stand, so it has to be said we didn't get a great view of the incident.

The equaliser came early in the second half and was a placed shot over Chris Reid's head. The keeper was a few yards out of goal, and at first I didn't think the strike would cause him any problems, but watch in horror as it sailed mystically by him into the net. Controversial incident number 2 was a dreadfully rash two footed challenge from McLaren which almost cut a Bully Wee player (Ritchie McCusker) in half. For a fraction of a second, I held my breath waiting for the red card until referee McCluskey, right on the spot it must be said, waved play on. Play was then stopped to allow the pain stricken player to be substituted on a stretcher.

The winner came shortly after the injury. There was a bit of nastiness for a while, with Clyde's Number 8 (captain?) and Ian McAuley (on as a substitute for the rather ineffective Crossley) skating on thin ice for a bit. The game then withered and died. A double substution which included replacing Nicky Henderson with Steven McCormick hardly endeared Ally Dawson to the very paltry home crowd.

The worst thing is that a lot of supporters could sense the possibility of defeat hanging in the air, even at 2-0 up and in no great danger. It was bitterly cold, and we had another 50p, seven page budget programme to confirm what a state the club is in. They'd do better to consider how much better Clyde are doing since they ditched full-time football.

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