28 July


2001: Sunderland are the visitors as Accies new stadium is officially opened in front of 4,280 fans. The visitors were victors by 4-2.


1938: A number of problems with players with regard to resigning, it was decided that if John Lowe did not accept terms he would be placed on the transfer list at £1,000.Tom Jarvie accepted terms subject to holidays being agreed. Jimmy King was offered improved terms from £3 to £4 per week, with an extra 10/- when in the first team, if he refused he was to placed on the transfer list at £750. Jacky Cox and George Gilmour were transferred to Preston North End and Falkirk respectively. The fee received for Cox was £1,200 while Gilmour fetched half of that.

Two new faces were Alex Trotter, formerly with Albion Rovers and Lawrie Cumming, late Queen of the South. A further two players were being sought, £100 was offered for Gibby McKenzie of Queen of the South and £150 the price the club were prepared to pay Southampton for William Kennedy. Dundee ask the price required for Willie McNeil. No figure given.





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