10 April



1882: The A.G.M. of Hamilton Academical Athletic and Football Club took place in Gibson’s Hall. The following office bearers were appointed for the ensuing year. President: Simon Kemp, Captain (1st XI):John Queen; Vice Captain: Alexander Loudon: Captain (2ndXI): George Douglas; Captain (3rdXI): Alexander Binning: Match Secretary: Robert Smellie, Allan Place: Minute Secretary: John Ross: Treasurer: James Torrance. Directors: Arthur Lightbody: James Wilson Jr., George Brown and William Henshilwood.

1956: Players Retained. Jim Samson, Jim Richmond, Joe Young, Pat Holton, Harry Hunter, Bobby Quinn, Tommy Sommerville, Peter Armit, Joe Miller, Hugh McPherson, Bobby Walker, George Scott, Tommy Barrett and John Reid.

Freed; Joe Houston, Bob Milligan, Johnny Martin, Ronnie Boyd, Eddie Rutherford, Jim Cron, George Millar and Willie Barclay. Johnny Woods returned to Rangers and Bobby Hunter went back to Motherwell at the end of their loan spell.

1957: Players retained. Johnny Woods, Joe Young, Bobby Quinn, Jim Richmond, Jim Samson, John Reid, Bobby Walker, Hugh McPherson and Tommy Barrett. To be reviewed. Willie Currie, Gerry Tracy, Billy Thomson and Jim McLean.

Freed. Peter Armit, Harry Hunter, Tommy Sommerville, Willie Mason, Alex Sharpe, George Grant, Willie Boyd, Tommy Dair, Willie Montgomery, Johnny Aitkenhead and Peter Aitchison.

1988: Reserve player, Raymond McGuigan took part in a trial match for a Scottish Amateur X1.





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