27 December


1879: Accies played their first ever Lanarkshire Cup tie against Glassford at South Avenue. There was no report of the outcome in any of the local papers, however, a month later Stonelaw were visitors in the next round.

1890: In the match played at Harp’s Park, Acas backs and Harp’s forwards played against Harp’s back and Acas forwards. The match ended 3-3.


1890: The Advertiser reported the following;

Acas have a burden round their neck in the shape of a debt owing to the placing of a barricade round the ground, and a special effort is being made to sweep the whole thing clear, and thus give encouragement to the young and promising teams now doing duty for the club. The means adopted are a subscription sale, twelve money prizes being the inducements attached. The first prize being no less than £7-10/-. The tickets are only sixpence a piece and it is to be hoped that neighbouring clubs and the public generally will not be lacking to give a hand to raise the name of a club who were once the boast of Lanarkshire.





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