Ross County 0 Accies 1: Saturday, 29 January 2000

Report by Bruce Wares

Accies' small band of travelling fans yesterday endured an even longer than normal journey to Dingwall due to the closure of the Kessock Bridge before and after the match.

However, whilst that bridge and Celtic Park were deemed unusable because of the weather, Accies and County bravely defied the very strong gales which periodically lent the proceedings a new version of blow football. County had most of the crosswinds behind them in the first half and brought out at least three excellent saves from Chris Reid. However, County's forwards had a real off day and, two clear second half chances in front of goal apart, never threatened Accies' tight defence.

Accies played better against the wind and most of their attacks were on the break through Jose Quitongo and Darren Henderson. Apart from a free-kick which was tipped over by County's trialist keeper, our only real threat was the goal itself. It arrived when County failed to clear a cross and Bonnar had an easy opportunity to shoot in from point blank range.

Chris Reid was our best performer,for his great first-half saves, and the defence looked solid and tried to keep the ball low when setting up midfield breaks. MacAulay worked hard too and Darren Henderson and Quitongo did plenty of running to little good effect. Ferguson was totally anonymous(i.e useless) so one could see why we aren't score many goals this season.

In summing up, Sunday Post style, an adequate Accies outfit dismissed a dismal Dingwall side. I would guess that Accies are mid table bound come the season's end and you can keep your road maps out for Dingwall next season!

Accies : Reid, McLaren, Hillcoat, Hunter, Gaughan, Thomson, Bonnar, McAulay, Ferguson, Quitongo (Crossley), and D Henderson

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