Accies 0 Stranraer 1: Tuesday, 18 September 2001

Scottish League Division 2, New Douglas Park, Hamilton

Tuesday, 18 September 2001

Accies 0

Attendance 1531

Stranraer 1

Jenkins 90

The lights were on at New Douglas Park tonight for the first time in a first-team match but, after a dismal second half performance, Accies were left well and truly in the dark.

Accies started the game in fine style and pushed forward from the outset. Michael Moore was the first to test goalkeeper McGeown with a shot from the edge of the box which was easily saved, before Stuart Callaghan - making a surprise return from injury - turned well and volleyed from 15 yards. Again McGeown was equal to it and turned the ball behind for a corner. Paul Gaughan headed wide from a corner and Jim Sherry clipped the bar with a header. The best chance of the opening period fell to Callaghan who was sent clear by a defence-splitting pass from Armstrong only to shoot weakly with only the keeper to beat. With at least 7 attempts at goal in the first 20 minutes, it looked as though Accies were certs to score and go on to win comfortably. Except this is Accies we're talking about so I suppose the final outcome was inevitable really!

Stranraer managed to settle and soon mounted some attacks of their own. They looked particularly good down their left, where several chances were created as Renicks and Graham looked ill at ease in defence and spaces continually opened up. George Shaw looked dangerous and put one on a plate for Harty. Fortunately for Accies he dithered in front of goal allowing Gaughan to clear at the last second. Accies managed to create one other good chance in the first half when Gareth Armstrong went clear through the middle. A defender tried to hold him back but referee Willie Young played advantage and Armstrong's shot was again well saved by McGeown. The defender was booked for his challenge.

The second half started brightly enough for Accies and Alan Russell came close when he managed to deflect a Jim Sherry effort towards goal, only to see it loop onto the roof of the net. Armstrong then saw an overhead kick from the corner of the six-yard box scrape the bar as Accies continued to press. Gradually, though, things just petered out. The neat passing disappeared as Stranraer began to press and created space of their own, again down the left. Harty blasted wide when set up by Shaw and the game was set to go either way - just as soon as someone hit the target! The lacklustre Graham was replaced by Michael Martin on the hour but he had few opportunities to shine as the game continued to deteriorate and Accies played more aimless passes through the middle. Eddie Cunnington tried to spark things into life and unleashed a superb shot which looked bound for the top corner before McGeown produced another great save to turn the ball around the post.

The game seemed set for 0-0 - and in truth had looked that way for the last half hour - when Stranraer snatched a winner at the death. A shot from the left wasn't properly cleared and when the ball arrived back in the box, substitute Alan Jenkins was on hand to slot it past Potter for the winner. Once again Accies' lack of firepower cost them dear, as for once they were at least able to create some chances. Mark McGeown had a great game in the Stranraer goal, whereas I can't remember Graham Potter actually having a save to make - although the defence was put under pressure on several occasions. A draw would probably have been about right but if you can't score, you ain't going to take many points in a season.

One footnote : the official attendance was announced as 1500-odd. Was I the only one who thought this was a bit on the generous side? It didn't look much over 1000 to me.

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