19 February


1876: Lost 3-0 to Blantyre Thornhill at home while the 2nd XI won 5-1 away to 1st Victoria, the goals coming from J. Wilson, Brand 3, and Murray.

1951: Second XI Cup tie at home to Dunfermline Athletic. Timmins scored twice for Acas in 2-2 draw.


1957: Mr Archie B. Miller welcomed as a Board member.

1957: George Scott allowed to leave the club on a free transfer.

1997: Chairman David Campbell denied that was about to quit the club despite rumours to the contrary. It was announced that Director George Whitelaw whose bus company hold £50,000 shares in Accies had resigned. Alistair Duguid, Chief Executive felt he had done so for personal reasons. Mr Whitelaw could not be contacted for comment.





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