29 October


1951: Match versus Dunfermline Athletic at East End Park delayed, the players did not come off at half time and the match finished at 4.30pm.


1912: Bobby McNeil made history as the first Acas player to be recognised by the Scottish League when he was chosen to play against the Irish League on 6th November 1912.

1951: John McSeveney transferred to Sunderland with Bobby Cunning joining Acas from there. Part of the deal was that should Cunning be transferred from Acas within 3 months half the fee would go to Sunderland. John Anderson cost £575 when he was signed from Stirling Albion.

1957: Billy Thomson granted a free transfer.

2003: Following the Under 19 International match, Scotland v. Macedonia, the SFA presented the club with a silver salver and a pennant to mark the occasion.





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