Accies 4 Brechin City 1: Saturday, 7 October 2000

With Dick Campbell named as the manager of the month and City unbeaten so far in the league this season, this was expected to be a really tough match for Accies.

As Jim Sherry had returned to Livingston at the end of his two month loan deal, Allan Russell returned to the midfield after a spell on the bench. Brechin lined up with the successful pairing of veteran striker Roddy Grant and his young apprentice, on-loan Dundee United Blair Sturrock - the son of the United legend "Luggy".

The early play in the game was fairly even and Brechin lived up to their billing as one of the best teams in the league. However, Accies had the majority of the possession without threatening Derek Soutar in the visiting goal. The game took a while to get going, but things improved for Accies when they took the lead in the 37th minute with a well taken goal by young Michael Moore. He ran onto a good through ball and flummoxed the last defender before shooting low past the Brechin goalkeeper. Unfortunately, he then proceeded to taunt the Accies fans by running to them with his ear cocked to take his applause. Presumably this was his way of answering his critics in the Accies support, who've been giving him a hard time over the last few weeks.

Brechin City equalised just before half time, with a simple headed goal by veteran striker Roddy Grant. A long cross was flung into the box and Grant, unmarked, was able to bullet in his header. There are suspicions that Ian Macfarlane should have come out for the ball but he wasn't helped by some poor defending by Paul Gaughan.

Into the second half and Accies regained the lead with 15 minutes left. Chris Hillcoat floated a free kick to the back post where it was met by Michael Moore. His header flew over the keeper and was tapped in by the sliding foot of Stuart Callaghan.

The third goal arrived just 4 minutes later and was bizarre. Accies won a free kick on the left. The ball was crossed in superbly by Stuart Callaghan and headed home in style by Mark Nelson. The strange thing was that none of the defenders moved a muscle, reminiscent of Joe Jordan's goal against Zaire in the 1974 world cup or Jimmy Bone's goal for Thistle in the 1971 league cup final against Celtic. (Showing my age here!).

The final goal came with only a couple of minutes left and was a cracker by Allan Russell. He ran onto a crossfield pass and beautifully dummied a knackered Brechin defender. This gave him a clear run on goal and he thumped a powerful shot into the far corner to clinch the game.

With Cowdenbeath losing 3-0 at Peterhead, this was a great day for Accies. They're now only three points behind both Brechin and Cowdenbeath and are beginning to find their best form.

Accies : Macfarlane, Nelson, Callaghan, Hillcoat, Gaughan, Maclaren, Russell, Prytz (Eadie), Moore, McFarlane and Bonnar.

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