2007-07-19 Airdrie United

Accies 0 Airdrie United 1

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Accies played their first home pre season game of the season on Thursday, when they lost out to a second half goal by Airdrie trialist Allan Russell. The visitors had a couple of good chances in the first half but their two best efforts both rebounded off goalkeeper Bryn Halliwell's left hand post. Accies had to make a change midway through the first half when Alex Neil was replaced by Tony Stevenson.

Accies gradually took charge of the game and had the lion's share of possession, but chances were hard to find against a resolute Airdrie defence on a rainy night at New Douglas Park. Airdrie had former Accies men Stephen Robertson, Ricky Waddell and Jose Quitongo in their team as well as goalscorer Russell. Accies had a fairly strong team out although key strikers Brian Wake, Richard Offiong and Neil Teggart were all sitting in the stand.

Mark McLaughlin made his long awaited return from injury in the second half and he fared well against the experimental Airdrie side that contained 4 trialists. However, the most impressive trialist on show was the player wearing the No 9 shirt for Accies. He showed plenty of pace and appetite for the game but didn't really get any chances to score.

Accies did create a couple of near things, with a goal being disallowed for offside, Brian Easton having a header cleared from the line and Assistant Manager Stuart Taylor (on for James Gibson) bringing a brilliant save out of Robertson late in the game. However, the game was to end disappointingly for Accies as Russell's goal was enough to win the game for the visitors.

Accies; Halliwell, Parratt, Gibson (Taylor), McCarthy, Elebert, Easton, McLeod, McArthur (Gilhaney), Trialist, Neil (Stevenson) and Davison.

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