15 June



1894: Acas were admitted to the Scottish Alliance League. Four place were available and there were five clubs interested. The voting resulted as follows; Wishaw and Johnstone 6, Dykehead 5, Accies 4 and Neilston 3.

1903: At the AGM held in the Lesser Victoria Hall, Mr T.Dodd presided over an attendance of 70. He explained that the most important business to discussed following the acceptance of the balance sheet was whether the club should be floated as a limited liability company or the members should be asked to pay a levy of 30/- (£1.50p) each. Mr Moir proposed, seconded by Mr Kelly that floatation should take place while an amendment was put forward by Mr J.Wilson and Mr Calder that the levy be imposed. 13 voted for the motion and 6 for the amendment, therefore the motion was carried. A disappointing result in that there were 70 members present. The matter was remitted to the Secretary, Mr A.H.Frame a solicitor with Hay, Cassels and Frame to draw up a schedule.

1914: At a sports meeting held at Douglas Park, John Hanlon won the Professional Footballers race over 150 yards in 15.25 seconds.

1953: Mr Robert A. Thom is co-opted on to the Board.

1954: It was decided to buy a safe for the club office at a cost of £11.

2000: Bill Sherry lost his £20,000 a year job as Chief Executive as cut backs were announced. Also leaving the club was Margaret Montgomery who was the office secretary, this only weeks after receiving an award from South Lanarkshire Council as a mark of her service during the past 30 years with Accies.





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