HENDERSON, Tommy (1897)


When Accies played their first Scottish League fixture, Tommy was the goalkeeper, having joined the club from Clyde in September 1895. He was the regular choice for the first three seasons before returning to the east of Scotland and moved to St Bernard's. From there he signed for Bo’ness on 27th August 1904.

He was a fearless keeper who enjoyed a good rapport with the Douglas Park support. His 62 appearances as the number one was the best until Hugh Edmonds came along. In August 1932 Accies met Motherwell in a friendly to commemorate the opening of Coltness United’s new ground, their club president was none other than Tommy.

Debut on 28th September 1895 at Motherwell in a Friendly which ended 3-2 to the home side.

Scottish League 43 Appearances (5 Clean Sheets)

Scottish Qualifying Cup 9 Appearances (2 Clean Sheets)

Scottish Cup 1 Appearance

Lanarkshire Cup 9 Appearances (2 Clean Sheets)

Accies Career

Links and References

- Read the fans' memories, or add your own, via this link.

- Please contact us if you have any information that will improve this page or if you spot any mistakes.

Full Name

Thomas Henderson






Signed by


28 September 1895

Last Game


Clubs Played For


Hamilton Academical

St Bernard's
