13 June



1885: The 3rd Annual Club Sports Meeting took place over this weekend and the following.

1887: A Special General Meeting was convened in the Pavilion at 8pm.

1891: Acas held a 5 a side Tournament for 2nd eleven junior sides and juvenile clubs. There was an entry of 60 at2/6 (12 1/2 p) per side. The final took place a week later and wasn’t finished until 10pm. Renton Wanderers were the winners, Runners up were Burnbank Victoria, 3rd came West-end followed by Burnside Athletic. The winners received Gold Badges, the runners up Silver Badges with Gold Centres and the 3rd place d side, Silver Badges.

1950: George Gillan refused free transfer.

2000: Manager, Ally Dawson, was quoted in the Hamilton Advertiser as having said that as the wages situation had still not been resolved with the players and that he had not been paid for five months he was thinking of walking away from the club. He was going on holiday and would give the matter serious thought.





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