Accies 0 Clyde 0

Although Accies extended their lead at the top of the table to 1 point on Wednesday, there is no doubt that they will regard this goalless draw against Clyde as a missed opportunity to reinforce their position at the head of the pack. Accies had the bulk of the possession, but only rarely did they test David Hutton in the visitor's goal. Clyde made the best of their limited opportunities and could have snatched all three points had it not been for a brilliant save by Bryn Halliwell near the end.

Hamilton Accies 0 Clyde 0

New Douglas Park, Hamilton

Saturday, 26th December 2007

Irn Bru League Division 1

At the start of the season, anyone at Accies would have offered their right arm to be at the top of the table at the half way stage. However, the game that got them there might end up being a game that they will regret when the prizes are handed out at the end of term. Make no bones about it; this may have been a goalless draw but the home side were streets ahead of the visitors.

Manager Billy Reid was able to put defender Tom Parratt in the squad for the first time since he broke a metatarsal at East End Park in October, although the right back stayed on the bench. The same starting XI that defeated St Johnstone was used and they played much better than they did against the Perth side. Clyde were missing suspended striker Dougie Imrie but former Accies captain Marvyn Wilson was in the heart of their midfield.

Accies didn't take long to settle into their comfortable passing game, with Clyde being pushed back and only really able to attack on the break. The problem for Accies throughout the game was that Clyde were content to pack their defence and genuine goalscoring opportunities for Accies were extremely limited. In fact, it was Clyde who came close to opening the scoring after 11 minutes when Christian Smith ran through on an exposed Bryn Halliwell. However, the former Clyde 'keeper dived bravely at Smith's feet to make a fine save.

Accies continued to dominate possession and David Winters fired in a good cross from the right but Richard Offiong's header went just over the top. David Elebert came closer with a fine back post header from a corner kick that shaved the post with goalkeeper Hutton well beaten. After 22 minutes, Accies ought to have taken the lead after James McCarthy timed his run brilliantly to get on the end of a good pass. He was left with just Hutton to beat but scooped the ball over the top from close range. Eight minutes later Richard Offiong sprinted from his own half, evading a couple of lunging tackles on the way. There were players in the middle, but Richard elected to shoot instead. His shot was blocked by Hutton and booted clear for a fruitless corner. At this sage, it seemed that it might not be Accies' day!

Just before the break, Clyde came close to grabbing an unlikely goal when Gary Arbuckle's low shot beat the advancing Halliwell but trundled wide of the target. James McArthur was yellow carded by referee John Underhill despite pulling out of a challenge on Marvyn Wilson. Wilson was also cautioned by the referee for persistent fouling.

The second half was a virtual copy of the first period, with Accies dominating in terms of possession but not able to produce that vital goal that their play merited. Both Richard Offiong and David Winters had clear shooting opportunities from the edge of the area but both elected to try to chip the goalkeeper instead of just having a shot. Both efforts went over the top. Billy Reid made the usual change after 59 minutes, with Brian Wake coming on for Richard Offiong. Big Brian put himself about as usual but didn't get much joy out of the resolute Clyde defence.

Mark Gilhaney also came on for David Winters and this gave the Accies attack another threat. Mark played well - as did all of the creative players - but the Clyde defence held firm. In fact it was the visitors who created the best effort in the game after 74 minutes when Bryn Halliwell brilliantly tipped a shot from Kevin Bradley onto the underside of the crossbar. Accies continued to press but all of their efforts ended in frustration.

James McCarthy had a great chance to score near the end. He lifted the ball over an advancing Clyde defender and was surely just about to score but was tackled superbly at the last moment. David Graham had the last chance of the day when his left foot shot was well saved by Hutton. Simon Mensing was booked by the referee near the end for a foul as Clyde staged a dangerous breakaway down the left wing.

So it was an afternoon of intense frustration for Billy Reid and his players. Accies played well in this game, they just didn't get the breaks. Billy Reid praised his players after the game and said that he intends to strengthen the squad with 2 or 3 players during the transfer window. Accies are ahead at half time, let's hope they can put this recent dip in form behind them and go on to win the league.

Hamilton Accies: Halliwell, Mensing, Easton, McCarthy, Elebert, McLaughlin, Winters (Gilhaney 71), McArthur, Offiong (Wake 59), Neil, Graham. Subs Not Used: Cerny, Stevenson, Parratt.

Booked: McArthur, Mensing.

Clyde: Hutton, McGregor, Bestvina, Higgins, McKeown, Smith, Bradley, Maclennan (David McGowan 90), Arbuckle, Wilson, Michael McGowan. Subs Not Used: Cherrie, MacLennan, Cardle, Kirkup.

Booked: Maclennan, Wilson.

Att: 1,750

Ref: J Underhill

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