11 March


1911: In the Scottish Cup Semi Final played at Douglas Park, Acas knocked out Dundee, the Cup holders, 3-2 after being 2-0 behind. This was the last season in which the Semi Finals were not played at a neutral venue.


1884: The AGM was held in the British Workman’s Public House at 8.30pm. No further details.

1922: A local hairdresser, Robert Roberts of Quarry Street offers free haircut and shave to Acas players if they win the Scottish Cup. They lost in the Quarter Finals to Aberdeen.

1994: Club Chairman, George Fulston advised newspapers reporters that Accies new stadium was “just round the corner”. He described the developers as a “blue chip” company. He also advised that he had set aside offices at his company, Ful-Ton Fork Lift, for Accies manager, Iain Munro, Secretary Scott Struthers and commercial staff so that they could move there when Douglas Park is vacated.





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