Stranraer 2 Accies 2: Saturday, 11 March 2000

The Accies players called off their strike to play this game at Stair Park. The only notable absentee was fans favourite Jose Quitongo, who has apparently decided to seek his future in America. He must have a better agent than the rest of the squad!

This was the fourth meeting between the teams this season, with Accies having won the previous three matches. Accies got off to a bad start when Paul Blair scored with a shot from about 10 yards after 17 minutes, but Accies equalised a minute later when Ian Ferguson lifted the ball over the advancing Mark McGeown after good work from Darren Henderson.

Stranraer took the lead again after 53 minutes when Ian Harty scored from close in. There followed a period of sustained pressure from Stranraer and they had a few good chances to put the game beyond Accies. However, they found Chris Reid in the Accies goal in good form and the third goal didn't materialise. Darren Henderson scored the final goal of the game with 8 minutes remaing following a corner by Ian McAulay. This was apparently only Accies second shot on target, but it also brought their second goal.

The players were applauded off the park at the end.

Accies : Reid, MacLaren, Hillcoat (Davidson), Hunter, Gaughan, Thomson, N Henderson (McCormick), McAulay, Ferguson, Cunnington and D Henderson

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