21 April


1877: A match took place against Stonelaw of Rutherglen for the benefit of The West of Scotland Home for the Incurables.


1894: At the club’s AGM it was decided that due to the professionalism entering the game that players should be paid a bonus. Officials appointed were; President; John McGhie; Vice President; John Lawrie; Hon Secretary and Treasurer; R.J.Paterson; Match Secretary; William Wilson; General Committee; Office Bearers plus Messrs Frame, Robertson, Twaddle, Ramsay and Dunn. The meeting was held in Beck’s, Church Street, Hamilton.

1950: George Gillan seeks transfer.

1958: Players Retained. Johnny Woods, Joe Young, Jim Richmond, Jim Samson, Bobby Walker, Jim McLean, John Strickland, Sam Hastings, Tommy Barrett, Walter Agnew and Stan Anderson. Possible; Joe McCabe. Freed were Willie Robertson, Lewis McKenzie, Guy Lennox and Ian Samson.





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