4 May



1943: East Fife granted the services of Davie Wilson and Gibby McKenzie. Hibs granted the services of Willie Smith and John Cassidy while Celtic used Bobby Wallace and Jimmy McGurk.

1948: Tommy McVinish's request for a transfer is turned down.

1988: Local MP George Robertson tabled a motion in Parliament which was signed by 11 MP’s congratulating the club. It read;

“That this House congratulates Hamilton Academical Football Club on winning the Scottish First Division Championship for the second time in three years and their promotion to the Premier League and wishes the team, manager and the directors the best of good fortune in the coming football year”.

1994: At a meeting of Hamilton District Council agreement was reached regarding the construction of a new stadium. The site is on mainly derelict land north of Douglas Park and bounded by the railway line, Auchinraith Avenue and Kenmar Road, Whitehill.

The name of the proposed developer was not disclosed. Council Leader, Tom McCabe was said to be “delighted”.

2000: South Lanarkshire Council finally gave the club permission to go ahead with the building of a new ground after 6 years away from Hamilton.





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