11 August



1883: The first Amateur Sports and Football Tournament was run (also on the 18th of August). The event was held at South Avenue and commenced at 3pm. Admission was 6d and an additional 6d for a reserved place. John Waddell, 23, Allan Place, Hamilton, was the person to contact in order to enter. It cost 1/- for the sports entries and 2/6 for the 4 a side football teams. Amongst the early entries were Queen’s Park, Rangers and Third Lanark each with two teams, Royal Albert, Cowlairs, Cambuslang, Crosshill and Granton. The final was won by Rangers No 2 when they defeated Thornliebank by 2 goals and 1 touch to1 goal. The crowd on both Saturdays was reported as very good with excellent weather. The half mile scratch race for members of Lanarkshire clubs was won by John Queen of Acas with team mate Robert White in 3rd place.

1958: Charlie McGuire of Burnbank Athletic joins the club.

1989: Admission prices for the coming season’s Reserve matches would be £1 for adults and 60p for youths and OAP’s. Only the stand will be open.





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