LECKIE, Harry (1910)


Another of that rare breed of centre forwards who have worn the Accies number 9 shirt over the years. Harry had senior experience prior to coming to Hamilton in 1910 when he appeared in consecutive League matches before being laid low with an injury which put paid to his Accies days. He was well liked by the fans and it was a blow when he was no longer available. In the remainder of League matches played, no fewer than six others wore his jersey, including an Irish Internationalist who in four games never scored once.

Harry died of a fever, at sea off the coast of Dublin in Nov 1913. He was a 4th engineer on the SS Kilchattan.

Debut on 20th August 1910 in a Scottish League match away to Queen’s Park.

Scottish League 16 Appearances 7 Goals

Lanarkshire League 1 Appearance 1 Goal

Accies Career

Links and References

- Read the fans' memories, or add your own, via this link.

- Please contact us if you have any information that will improve this page or if you spot any mistakes.

Full Name

Harold G Leckie



Centre forward



Signed by


20 August 1910

Last Game


Clubs Played For

Hamilton Academical