3 December


1911: When Acas met Motherwell in the final of the Lanarkshire Cup at Fir Park, the new pavilion and dressing rooms were officially opened.


1914: Mr Hugh Mair of Acas was appointed to the referees committee. At the meeting it was also agreed that the abandoned game versus Third Lanark should be replayed. The referee at the fogged off match, Mr McKenzie of Glasgow was fined a guinea for having too long a break at the interval. The match had only 6 minutes to go when he had called it off.

1951: John Lowe appointed as Secretary/Assistant Manager.

1957: John Reid transferred to Bradford City for a £2,500 fee. Jim Gillespie a junior trialist from Kello Rovers.

1969: Mr Stepek reported on a meeting with the Polish Consul with regard to football connections for and with Hamilton Academical Football Club.





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