Elgin City 0 Accies 3: Tuesday, 10 April 2001

Tuesday, 10 April 2001

Borough Briggs, Elgin

Elgin City 0

Accies 3

Moore 46, 84

McFarlane 54

Accies' very own Eminem were the stars of the show in the second half at a cold and windy Borough Briggs last night to earn 3 valuable points whilst Brechin were slipping up at Cliftonhill.........

First Half

Accies started slowly and created nothing early on. They were being tightly marked by an enthusiastic City side who were obviously confident after their rare win on Saturday. Having said that, Elgin are not a good footballing team and their play was full of effort but very little skill. Indeed it was David 'Daisy' Ross (ex Caley Thistle and Ross County) who was proving awkward at times for the Accies defence early on. Elgin almost scored in the 6th minute when Neil Whyte's hard low shot went narrowly past Ian MacFarlane's left hand post, however that was as close as the the home team would get to our goal until the end of the half.

Accies' first chance didn't arrive until the 19th minute and it fell to Ryan Kelly whose shot blasted over the bar. This set the pattern for most of the first half as Accies were gradually creating more chances but were failing to hit the target. Michael Rae in goal fumbled a cross which gifted Accies a corner in the 23rd minute. When the corner came, the Elgin defence scrambled the ball off the line.

Three minutes later Michael Martin had a great run down the right and passed inside to Brian Vaugh whose low shot was blocked. Our best first half chance was 10 minutes before the break when Michael Moore's header from a McFarlane cross was just off target. A goal was surely not far away!

However it was Elgin who had a great opportunity in 40 minutes but Ryan Green should have done better than to shoot weakly at MacFarlane and, almost immediately, Whyte headed over from Ross's cross.

Second Half

Accies started with much stronger purpose and Michael Moore's looping header into the net was just what Accies' travelling support needed! And 8 minutes later the City defence conveniently parted like the Red Sea to give David McFarlane one of his easiest goals this season, a low shot into the left hand corner from about 18 yards.

Thereafter it was a walk in the park for Accies who by that time looked a league ahead of Elgin. It was all very comfortable and the points were wrapped up by my man of the match, Michael Moore. He twisted and turned past a couple of defenders to slot past Rae.

In the last few minutes it could easily have been 5-0 as 83rd minute substitute Robert Downs blasted over when it was far easier to score. That was in the 87th minute and in stoppage time McFarlane's magnificent header from a great Moore cross from the left would have been a peach of a goal but for a few inches.

All in all,a good night's work from Accies who didn't need to be at their best to comfortably see off the hapless Highlanders.

Accies lineup:

Michael Martin was replaced by Robert Downs (82)

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