31 October


1964: In the match at Montrose which Acas won 2-1 to maintain their unbeaten away record in the League there were less than a dozen travelling fans.


1939: A request from the BBC to broadcast the match on 23rd December against Rangers was granted.

1944: John Lowe asked for a free transfer. Refused.

1950: The club had to pay 2/8 as share of referees report following the ordering off of Jimmy Timmins.

1989: John Lambie returns to manage the club for a second spell. He was also expected to join the Board of Directors.





1990: Joe Murray, “Joker” as he was better known died at his home in Uddingston aged 76. He was another member of the team who lost 2-1 to Rangers in the Scottish Cup Final in 1935. When he left Hamilton he joined Bobby Reid at Brentford.

- Read the fans' memories, or add your own, via this link.

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