Accies 1 Stenhousemuir 1: Sunday, 5 September 1999

Report by George Grandison

With the game switched to Sunday to avoid a clash with yesterday's Scotland match, Accies must have been hoping for an improvement in the crowd figure. The official attendance of 445 was as usual inaccurate, including as it does the players, officials, ballboys, stewards, etc, etc. If the standard of play in the first half is anything to go by, fewer and fewer are likely to bother turning up in the coming weeks.

The first half hour contained little of note, a last gasp Thomson tackle saving the day and a long ball from defence touched into Cunnington's path only for the left back to shoot straight at the keeper. With unbeaten Stenny fielding Scotland's oldest back 3 - Lindsay Hamilton, player-boss Graeme Armstrong and Alan "Nipper" Lawrence combining for something over 110 years - you would have thought a bit of pace on the flanks would have done the trick. Unfortunately Accies have no-one even remotely fitting the bill. At least it was good to see Lawrence at right back, where he couldn't do us much damage, as he's been a thorn in Accies' flesh over the last 15 years with Meadowbank, Dundee, Hearts and Airdrie.

On the half hour, Darren Henderson's indiscipline got the better of him again, this time booked for moaning about not getting a free kick. After a ridiculous dive in the second half, he could easily have been sent off again. Will he never learn? Six minutes before half time, Accies had a great chance to open the scoring. A defensive slip let Moore through on the right but with McCormick unmarked in the middle he chose not to square the ball but tried to take on the last defender - he failed and the chance was gone. A Nicky Henderson shot whistled past...the advertising boards 16 yards from goal.

Although Stenny's passing was at least more accurate, neither team looked like scoring in the first half but the second proved more interesting. Just after the restart, Moore missed a snip for Accies, blasting high over from 6 yards. Then on 52 minutes Accies went behind. McKinnon worked some space on the right and his shot/cross from the corner of the box sailed over the blameless Reid into the far corner. The ineffectual Moore was replaced on the hour with Michael Martin playing in midfield and Nicky Henderson moving up front with McCormick. The switch appeared to perk things up right away as Accies looked for an equaliser. Nicky H set up McCormick but he shot straight at Hamilton then on 65 minutes came a cracking goal. Darren Henderson turned away from his man in midfield, strode forward, played a 1-2 with McCormick and chipped the ball over Hamilton from 20 yards for a peach of a strike.

Accies then had the initiative, coming close with shots from Martin and Cunnington before Nicky H finished an excellent build up by firing a rocket at Hamilton which the veteran keeper turned round for a corner. Stenny sent on ex-Accies favourite Willie Watters but his years slumming round the lower leagues appears to have taken it's toll on his waistline - far too many post-match pies for WW I'm afraid!

Accies continued to press for the winner with Nicky H creating chances for McCormick (which he duffed from 6 yards) and Renicks (which Hamilton saved brilliantly). Darren H tried a shot near the end and Stenny nearly snatched a winner at the death following a goalmouth scramble, which no Accies match would be without this year. Accise were well worth their draw in the end and, had they played in the first half as they did in the final quarter, could well have gained their first league win.

Accies lineup:Reid; Renicks; Cunnington; Davidson; McLaren; Thomson; N Henderson; Bonnar; Moore (sub Martin 60); McCormick; D Henderson. Subs not used: Russell, Gaughan (probably)

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