Stirling Albion 2 Accies 4

Accies had to fight off a spirited challenge from the hosts when they defeated Stirling Albion at Forthbank on Saturday. Simon Mensing and Roman Wallner scored their first goals for the club before the break, but former Accies man Colin Cramb pulled the Binos back into the game just after half time. Richard Offiong scored a classy goal almost right away to restore his side's two goal advantage, but then Chris Aitken reduced the deficit from the penalty spot. It took a fourth goal by debutant Simon Mensing to make the game safe for Accies.

As Dundee defeated Dunfermline, the gap at the top remains at just 3 points. However, these results put the top two even further ahead of the pack.

Stirling Albion 2 Hamilton Accies 4

Forthbank Stadium, Stirling

Saturday, 1st December 2007

Irn Bru League Division 1

Prior to this game, much was made of the fact that Stirling had only lost one more game than Accies and had defeated Stranraer by 6 goals the week before. However, there was never much danger of an upset in this game and Accies ran out fairly comfortable winners. Manager Billy Reid had been busy in the "loan" market during the week, with Paul McLeod and Kevin Davison departing to Alloa and Berwick respectively and long time targets Simon Mensing and David Graham arriving from Motherwell and Gretna. There was just one change to the team that lost at Dundee, with Simon Mensing making his debut at right back in place of David Elebert.

It was a dreich, blustery day at Forthbank but Accies settled into their rhythm pretty quickly, with Mensing looking assured and comfortable on the ball. Accies had a couple of chances to take the lead early on, with Roman Wallner just unable to get high enough to convert a great cross by Richard Offiong and then Mark McLaughlin had his close range header saved on the line by home goalkeeper Scott Christie. A goal looked likely, especially with the expert delivery of set pieces by Roman Wallner. It duly arrived after 27 minutes, with debutant Simon Mensing rising at the near post to head the ball firmly past Christie from a Wallner corner kick. It was an excellent goal for the big man on his debut and he was mobbed by delighted teammates.

Not long after the goal, Richard Offiong received the first yellow card of the day for a late tackle on Stirling's impressive right back Paul Nugent. The home side found it very hard to make an impression on the Accies defence and it was no real surprise when Accies doubled their lead after 40 minutes. This time it was Richard Offiong who was the provider, with a delightful cross into the middle where Roman Wallner took possession, steadied himself and then buried the ball past the exposed Christie from close range. He then did what appears from You Tube to be his trademark diving slide on the wet turf in celebration of his first Accies goal.

The home side made a change at the interval, with former Accies striker Colin Cramb entering the game. It only took him 6 minutes to make an impact, with a sweetly struck left foot shot from 16 yards that gave Bryn Halliwell no chance. He then cupped his ear as he ran back for the restart, presumably so that he could hear the shouts of encouragement and appreciation from the Accies fans! The mood of optimism amongst the home support was soon to be squashed by a fine goal by Accies. Roman Wallner won the ball in midfield and timed his through ball to Richard Offiong perfectly. The league's top scorer kept his cool and neatly slotted the ball past Christie to make it 3-1.

The goal was the signal for the start of a flurry of substitutions, with James McArthur limping off to be replaced by James Gibson. The teenager took over at right back, with Simon Mensing moving into the heart of midfield. The home side made a couple of changes after an hour, one of which involved the introduction of Marek Tomana, later to be named as the sponsor's man of the match. (A decision that greatly displeased Allan Moore.) Accies made a further couple of changes, with David Graham and Brian Wake coming on for Mark Gilhaney and Richard Offiong.

Accies scored a superb goal after 69 minutes, with Simon Mensing scoring with a well hit half-volley from the edge of the area after great work on the right wing by James McCarthy. That should have been "game over", but just two minutes later Roman Wallner impeded Tomana just inside the area and Chris Aitken made an expert job of the penalty kick. This goal gave the home side a huge boost and they gave the Accies defence a fairly torrid time for much of the remainder of the game, with Bryn Halliwell having to make a couple of excellent saves. The fact that the home side were pouring forwards meant that there were gaps at the back.

Accies did their best to increase the margin of victory, but the best effort was a Mark McLaughlin header that was saved well by Christie. Accies collected another couple of yellow cards as the game drew to a close, with Brian Wake penalised for a foul and Roman Wallner punished for persistent fouling.

So it was an entertaining afternoon at Forthbank for the travelling support and it was excellent to see Simon Mensing and Roman Wallner get off the mark and also for Richard Offiong to find the net again. Stirling Albion are definitely one of the better teams Accies have faced and it would be a surprise if they were to remain at the foot of the table to the end of the season.

Stirling Albion: Christie, Nugent, Forsyth, Ellis, Reid, Aitken, Harris (Cramb 46), McBride (Devine 60), McKenna, Bell, Taggart (Tomana 60). Subs Not Used: Walker, Hogarth.

Booked: Cramb.

Goals: Cramb 51, Aitken 71 pen.

Hamilton: Halliwell, Mensing, Easton, McCarthy, Swailes, McLaughlin, Wallner, McArthur (Gibson 56), Offiong (Wake 69), Neil, Gilhaney (Graham 64). Subs Not Used: Winters, Cerny.

Booked: Offiong, Wake, Wallner.

Goals: Mensing 27, Wallner 40, Offiong 55, Mensing 69.

Att: 1,035

Ref: A Muir

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