Melike Inci

Puzzled (EN)

                  • Prose

Ölümsüz (TR)

                  • Melike Inci, born on September 19th 1975, in Istanbul. After the graduation from Italian High School she studied Chemical Engineering in University of Istanbul. She wrote articles in a comic called “Alarm” in 2003, completed first novel “Kırılma Noktası / Breaking Point” in 2009, and the second one “Zamasız / Untimely” in 2010 (both published temporarily as e-book). She participated creative writing workshops in ex-alumni association of Bosphorus University. Her short story “Yok Gibi / As Absent” took part in the selection of’s 2010 short story awards book “Veda / Goodbye”. Other short stories “İlk Gece / First Night” and “Aldatma / Deception” have been published in, “Örümcek Ağı / Spider’s Web” in in 2011, and “Ölümsüz / Immortal” in Kadir Aydemir’s short story selection “Mutsuz Aşk Vardır / There is Unhappy Love” and her novel “O Anda / At That Moment” published by Yitik Ülke in 2014.Essays

Igor doesn't write poems, he does them (EN)

                  • Poems

About Everything and Nothing (EN)