Igor Isakovski: Seagulls above Rooftops

Igor Isakovski


The Rolling Stones, Heaven

two years earlier:

that room, that bed,

that song, that laughter

out of despite, out of torment.

laughter in hospitals, two years ago.

this evening:

seagulls above rooftops,

opened walls, balconies,

and that song again, out of nowhere.

the song keeps on coming, for years now, through the wind.

there’s no rush these days:

the city is stretched like a vivid

carpet, full of colors and scents,

for kids’ rolling, for tranquility.

shameless deception, because the peace is dead.

tonight, a seagull was chasing a dove.

a dove came to defend the dove:

more seagulls came.

there’s no justice in the sky.

in the nights above Istanbul. and at all.

15.09.2013, 22:28, Istanbul