Melike Inci: About Everything and Nothing

Melike Inci


for Igor...

Words, laughter and booze

All mixed in the thick air

Scent, warmth and silence

Flooding thru my veins

A seagull shouts

Hungry as always

Tired of last flight

Addicted to free sky

In exchange of our stories

Without caring for tomorrow

We eat, talk and drink

Can’t offer what you need

I see your past, present and future

We go on with the laughter

You’re not seeking Mary’s innocence

Not seeking Lilith’s lust

Not greatness, never the loss

Though you had enough of them both

A cat passes by

Sneaky as yesterday

Tired of the last fight or fuck

But remained eight lives

You know my past, present and future

We go on with the laughter

I’m not seeking Byron’s romance

Not seeking Sade’s sorrow

Not commitment, never a false regard

Though I had enough of them all

Days go by

Same as any given day

Tired of the fake smile

Yearning for a different life

You should thank someone’s God

Though I’m not a poet

Just someone misses a good conversation

About everything and nothing


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