In an apartment in New York. Vera Carter came into the living room to call her son Jamie.

“Jamie, supper”, she called.

But there came no reaction which was very strange.

“I will go and have a look”, said Derek, the husband of Vera.

He got up and walked to the bed room or the boy. The door went open and Derek saw is son lying on the bed deadly quiet.

“Jamie, wake up. Your mother has supper ready”, said Derek.

Again there came no reaction. Derek grabbed the boy by the shoulder and his right arm slipped off the bed.

“Great god!”, Derek called shocked.

Vera came running and saw what the matter was.

“Call 911”, said Derek.

Vera called the number and not much later the police had arrived already.

“He is called Jamie Carter and is 14”, Derek said to detective Lennie Briscoe.

“Did Jamie have something? Was he ill a lot?”, asked Lennie.

“Jamie had a slow working thyroid gland whereby he missed school very much. He was often very tired and listless. Our son got medicines for it but I know for sure that he died of something else”, answered Derek.

“Why?”, Ed Green, the partner of Lennie, asked.

“Because he only swallowed prescribed medicines”, said Vera.

She showed a box of the medicine euthyrox.

“Did your son used drugs and/or alcohol?”, asked Lennie.

“No, he did ask if he was allowed to use it but when we explained that it was dangerous in combination with his medicines he understood it and he didn’t long for it”, answered Derek.

“This afternoon at 1 o’clock he went to get a flu injection because eh had a call for that. He had to get that injection at the family doctor”, said Vera.

“Who is your family doctors?”, asked Lennie.

“Dr. Wilson. He is on Lexington Avenue”, said Vera.

“Then we will pay him a visit”, said Ed.

“He claims that with every result or the blood test or Jamie that our son never took his medicines. We did see that he did it though. The hospital shares the opinion of the family doctor. It is just that you know it”, said Derek.

“Thanks for the information. Good luck with the loss. I know what it is like to lose a child”, said Lennie.

The body or Jamie got dragged away and is parents stayed behind alone.

“Jamie dies by something strange and his parents think that their family doctor has something to do with it”, Ed said outside.

“It doesn’t surprise me. Especially when Doc says that the boy doesn’t take his medicines. That whole medicinal mess covers each other of course”, reacted Lennie.

“So you believe his parents?”, asked Ed.

“Yes, you don’t?”, Lennie asked on his turn.

Ed nodded.

At the 27th precinct lieutenant bureau Anita Van Buren asked, “And which case do we have now?”

“A fourteen year old boy named Jamie Carter had died of something unknown. He was troubled by a slow working thyroid gland where for he got medicines and took them according to his parents but the family doctor says he didn’t. He also had gotten a flue injection from the family doctor”, told Lennie

“I suggest that you first are going to question that family doctor”, said Anita.

“Ed, you do look a bit pale. Are you coming to the doctor’s?”, asked Lennie.

“I will go with you”, said his partner.

“I am sorry gentlemen but Dr Wilson can’t see you now. He is too busy”, said his assistant Glenda Baker.

“He must take off the information of a young patient from his card box because he is no longer a patient anymore?”, asked Lennie.

Glenda became red as fire and said nervous, “I believe that he does have time for you.”

She got up and opened the door of the surgery.

“Frank, there are two gentlemen for you”, she said.

“Come in gentlemen. What are the complains?”, Frank asked laughing.

“We just come from the Carter family because their son Jamie had died. His parents told that the boy had a slow working thyroid gland and was this afternoon here for a flu injection”, said Ed.

“That is right but the boy never took his medicines and he died by the consequences. Whatever you and/or his parents claim: I am innocent”, said Frank.

“And what if our pathologist finds something different? Like poison for example?”, asked Lennie.

“Then I am still innocent. Can you leave now because I have more things to do”, the doctor said nervously.

“Till next time”, said Lennie.

They went away but didn’t trust the doctor and his assistant.

“That assistant has something to do with it if you ask me”, said Ed.

“Let’s see if the cause of death is known already”, said his partner.

They drove to the pathologist for the results about the death of Jamie Carter.

“Jamie had died of an overdose of poison. He didn’t get a flu injection but a poison injection”, told Arlene Shrier who had examined the body of Jamie.

The detectives looked at each other amazed.

“Poison you said? Like in poising?”, asked Ed.

Arlene nodded.

“Jamie had problems with his thyroid gland but that’s not the cause of death like the doctor says?”, asked Lennie.

“Absolutely not. He died of poisoning. The boy could have become 100 instead of 15”, answered the pathologist.

Anita was astonished of the cause of death of Jamie.

“The boy comes for a flu injection and gets instead a poison shot? Nice doctor. Inform the parents and bring in the doctor and his assistant”, she said.

“Our son has been murdered?”, Vera asked shocked.

“Our pathologist had discovered a poison when she was looking for the cause of death. Jamie got a poison shot and no flu injection”, answered Lennie.

Derek asked, “I knew it. And the doctor denies everything of course?”

“We have been to see him and he said that Jamie never took his medicines. The assistant also did very nervous”, answered Ed.

“I have here a copy of the announcement for the flu injection”, said Derek who gave the detectives a copy of the announcement.

Lennie looked at the letter and said, “The DA shall be very pleased with this.”

The detectives left again to the practise of Dr Wilson.

Glenda was very amazed when Lennie and Ed came in.

“Is your boss in?”, asked Ed.

“Of course he is in. But not for you!”, she answered snappy.

“Here you have an invitation for a visit at our precinct”, said Lennie.

Glenda tried to throw away an old squirt but Ed intercepted it.

“I dare to bet that Jamie got this squirt in his arm”, he said.

The squirt got taken along in a bag.

“What is the matter here?”, Frank asked who came into the waiting room.

Then he saw Lennie and Ed.

“Oh eh good day gentlemen”, he said laughing kindly.

“You are also invited to look around at our working spot”, said Ed.

Reluctantly Frank and Glenda went to the 27th precinct under guidance of Lennie and Ed.

In the meantime district attorney Jack McCoy and his assistant Serena Southerlyn were informed about the case by Anita. Glenda got questioned by Ed and Serena while Lennie and Jack put Frank through his paces.

“Why did Jamie get a poison shot and no flu injection? He was entitled to it”, said Ed.

“He got a flu injection. Because he didn’t take his medicines he died to the consequences of his illness”, said Glenda.

“There was clearly found poison found in his body”, was the reaction of Serena.

“I really don’t know anything about it”, answered Glenda.

“Why did you try to throw the squirt away when we were there?”, asked Ed.

“No comment. I want a lawyer”, said Glenda.

Ed and Serena looked at each other and they knew enough.

Frank saw in that his career as a family doctor was over.

“The reason why Jamie got the poison was that I wanted to stop him from suffering. Each day his parents called me that the boy was in pain”, he said.

Jack and Lennie looked at each other questionable.

“His parents didn’t say anything about the pain he had”, said Lennie.

“What was in the squirt which Jamie got on the day he died?”, asked Jack.

“Liquid arsenic. I don’t regret it of my deed and would do it again”, Frank answered laughing.

“Lennie, lock him up and let him have an attorney”, said the district attorney.

He got up and left the interrogation room.

“Doc, you have the right to be silent. You have the right to an attorney and everything you say can be used against you in court”, said Lennie.

Frank got dragged away and when Glenda saw that she became hysterical.

“Frank! They can’t arrest you! We need you”, she screamed.

“You and the doctor have a relationship?”, asked Ed.

“Yes, five years already. Together we have a four year old son”, said Glenda.

“The child care will pick him up. Because you are also guilty of the murder of Jamie Carter”, said Serena.

“Frank gave him that injection, I didn’t”, snapped Glenda.

“I dare to bet that your finger prints are also to be found on the seizure squirt”, said Ed.

He showed Glenda her rights and she too got dragged away to Riker’s.

Serena came into the office of Jack and said, “Glenda Baker has a relation with Frank Wilson for 5 years. Together they have a four year old son. She denies that she has anything to do with the death of Jamie but her finger prints are on both the deadly squirt and the arm of Jamie.”

“They just have planned and committed the murder together. So they go to jail together if it was up to me”, answered Jack.

He was reading the letter with the announcement. Then he looked into the medical file.

“Jamie wasn’t due for a flu injection at all. It is June and he always got it early November”, Jack said amazed.

“So murder 2? Just let them stay in jail then”, was the reaction of Serena.

Jack nodded smiling. Then the door went open. Diana Clark came in.

“McCoy, how dare you to prosecute an excellent doctor as Mr Wilson for murder? That child just didn’t take his medicines and has died due to the consequences”, she said.

“He has confessed that he has given Jamie liquid arsenic”, Jack answered calm.

“What do you want to have?”, asked Diana.

“I have an offer for both, 25 years to life. And his license get drawn in”, said the district attorney.

“And what if he testifies against Miss Baker?”, Diana asked hopeful.

“That depends on what he has to say”, said Jack.

“Miss Baker was married to Glen Baker but he couldn’t conceive children. In exchange for hush-money Glenda got a son with Dr Wilson. Glen Baker has died too by a poison injection. Gifted by Glenda”, said Diana.

“I will let you know”, Jack just said.

Diana left insulted without saying another word.

The boss of Jack and Serena, Arthur Branch, said to them in his office, “Make sure that they both get convicted. A family doctor who lies to is patients doesn’t deserve to keep doing his job. I wouldn’t recommend such a family doctor to my worst enemy.”

“I have done the lawyer of Mr Wilson an offer but she was offended by it”, said Jack.

“And you think that’s crazy?”, asked Serena.

“I don’t”, said Arthur.

“It was a good deal anyway”, Jack defended himself.

“Good luck”, said Arthur.

Just before Jack wanted to go home Glenda and her lawyer Sam Miller came in.

“McCoy, sorry for the late time but my client has given notice that she accepts the punishment”, said Sam.

“Frank forced me to make such a poison injection because otherwise he would turn me in at the police for murdering my husband. Besides he would get custody over our son then”, Glenda said desperately.

Jack put down his motor helmet and said, “You both lose custody over your son.”

“I send you tomorrow the paperwork”, said Sam.

“Alright”, said the district attorney.

When the case of Frank Wilson was due up the defended didn’t appear.

Judge James Harrison asked Diana, “Mrs Clark, where is your client?”

“He was prevented from coming”, she said.

“Let him be found”, said James.

A while later Jack, Serena and Diana got called up by the police. They had to come to the address of Frank.

“He has kidnapped his son from his foster parents and killed him where after he committed suicide”, said Lennie.

“And that all because one boy had to die so early in his life”, said Jack.