It was ghostly for some time at the cemetery of Virginia City. Nobody knew how or when it had started but it was the talk of the town.

So also at the Ponderosa.

During supper Hoss Cartwright said suddenly, “They say it had been ghostly again at the cemetery.”

“Wow”, said his nephew Mitch with bright eyes.

Adam recognized this and said directly to his son, “You stay away from the cemetery. Especially in the evenings and at night.”

Mitch asked amazed, “Why? It is a public place, isn’t it?”

“Kid, you surely know why”, said his father.

That was quite a disappointment for the boy. Adam and Mary rather had that Hoss hadn’t start talking about it in front of the youngest shoot of the Cartwright family. Mitch was quite adventurous of character and did sometimes things which were much too dangerous for someone of his age.

Adam said, “You give me very much grey hair. We never did that to grandpa.”

“But daddy, then you and mummy must be glad that you only have to take care of me and Lisa. Or you would have been as grey as grandpa now. By the way grandpa already had grey hair before I was born was. So I cannot have that on my conscious”, Mitch remarked dry.

Ben, Mary, Hoss and Little Joe began to laugh about this remark but Adam didn’t. He knew nothing to say but he realized that his son was right.

“Though I want that you stay away from the cemetery. Especially in the evenings and at night can it be very dangerous there. You understand boy?” Adam asked seriously.

Mitch nodded.

They didn’t know yet how very close the Cartwrights would get involved with the ghost at the cemetery and a few new inhabitants of Virginia City.

At school there was a new student. She listened to the name of Claire Pearson. Her parents had just come to live in Virginia City.

The first day of Claire at school didn’t go very smoothly. She came from the big city and talked rather haughty. When Abigail Jones introduced Claire that morning to the class Mitch Cartwright directly had a remark ready to be announced.

His teacher saw that and said, “Mitch, shut your mouth.”

The boy looked up weird and kept silent.

In the break Mitch and Matthew Walker, the best friend of Mitch, said against a tree. Suddenly Claire came up to them.

She said to Mitch, “I don’t like you. So I demand that you stay away from me. If you happen to be near me then father deals with you.”

“Stay away from me as well then. If something happens to me then my pa, Uncles and grandpa deal with the one who does something to me. And not to forget Cody”, Mitch said calm.

Matthew asked, “Where do you live?”

Claire answered without turning a hair, “My parents have leased a house and a piece of land of Ben Cartwright.”

“Ben Cartwright you said? Now then I would be very nice to me if I was you”, said Mitch.

“Why?”, Claire asked curiously.

“well, by coincidence Ben Cartwright is my grandpa”, the young Cartwright said.

“In your dreams”, she said snappy.

“When I dream of you it is a straight nightmare”, was the reaction of Mitch.

Claire walked away angry. Matthew was rolling on the ground laughing.

“Why are you so laughing? I meant it seriously”, Mitch said dry.

“Bye Mitch Cartwright. I know you longer than today”, Matthew reacted.

“That is true because you knew me yesterday too”, was the sober answer of Mitch.

His friend had to laugh hard again.

Then Matthew had finished laughing he said, “You knew me also yesterday also you know me longer than today.”

The two friends began to laugh out loud again. Claire saw and heard that and thought,’ They laugh at me because I am better than they are. I will get back at them. Bunch of little bumpkins.’

During the lessons in the afternoon Mitch became notable more quiet. When they got drawing lessons Matthew asked softly, “Mitch what is the matter?”

The young Cartwright answered whispering, “Claire said that her parents have leased a house and piece of land of my grandpa? That is not possible at all.”

“Why not?”, Matthew asked amazed.

“Because they never came to our place to sign the deal and to introduce themselves to us. We have a house with a piece of land empty and there they must live then. I really don’t have any other explanation for it”, Mitch explained.

Matthew thought it was also right. Mitch decided to ask his father about it when he got home.

Adam, Hoss and Little Joe were busy at the ranch while Ben for a change updated the administration. Mary and Lisa were off to town. All four boys were out of the house so it was rather quiet and the rancher could concentrate himself better. He knew that as soon as or Hoss and/or Mitch was or were home again it was right away gone with the peace and quiet. Although he loved his offspring very much Ben hoped that they would stay away for the next few hours. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The rancher looked up amazed because he certainly didn’t expect any visitors.

Hop Sing answered the door and the visitor asked, “Is Mr Cartwright in?”

“Mr Cartwright is in”, said de cook.

“It is alright Hop Sing”, Ben said directly.

The Chinese cook disappeared again to the kitchen. The rancher got up and walked to the door.

He asked, “I am Ben Cartwright. With whom I have the pleasure?”

“Harry Pearson, businessman in real estate. May I come in?”, the business man asked who in real turned out to be a conman of the clearest water.

The rancher let him in without any expectations. Harry checked the ranch house very carefully and was very impressed.

In the living room Harry asked, “I have plans to built a couple of houses on very fruitful land here nearby. Young families can live there then for a reasonable rent and then right away work the land. But to lead something like this in a good way I get here and there advice in to assist the new inhabitants with advice and deeds. May I ask how long are you living here Mr Cartwright?”

“More than a quarter of a century. I am willing to help you”, Ben answered.

“I will put it into a contract which the new inhabitants must sign then”, Harry said.

The rancher nodded. Both couldn’t expect that their corporation would be of very short time.

Harry said, “I go and see if my wife and daughter are home already. Claire, my daughter of twelve, had to go to school for the first time.”

“It is a good school. My grandson goes there too”, said the rancher.

“How many children do you actually have Mr Cartwright?”, asked Harry.

“Three sons, a daughter-in-law, a grandson and a granddaughter”, said Ben.

“I bring you tomorrow or the day after that contract. Have a nice day Mr Cartwright”, Harry answered.

He left the ranch house. Just a while and then he would be the new owner of the Ponderosa. Besides that he hunted the people of Virginia City to scared to death by spooking around at the cemetery.

When the school came out Mitch saw Adam already standing.

“Gees, must the little lad be picked up again?”, Claire asked hatefully.

Mitch directly hit her in the face and bit at her, “You must keep your big mouth shut bitch!”

Adam came from his horse and stopped Mitch.

“Stop it both. Mitch come home!”, Adam said strict.

His son came along silently.

Arrived at home Mitch went straight to his room. Ben found this very strange. All the more because Mitch first always told him his stories of school.

Ben went outside and said, “Adam, what is the matter with Mitch? He went straight to his room.”

“He hit a girl in her face. When I interfered and said they both had to stop and Mitch to come along he kept silent”, Adam answered.

Ben decided to talk with his grandson.

Meanwhile Mitch sat in his room enormously to mug. He was nine and still they treated him like a kid of three. It was about time that something was said about it. But how? They never listened to him quite well anyway.

A knock at the door disturbed his thoughts. Mitch looked at the door which went open slowly. It was Ben Cartwright who came in.

“Boy, we must talk seriously for a moment”, the rancher said.

“Why I get treated like a little kid”, Mitch said moody.

“You do behave yourself like a little kid. Why did you hit someone at school?”, Ben asked.

“I hit her because she called me a little lad who must taken from school. I am fed up with being brought and taken to school by someone”, Mitch answered.

“The reasons why that happens are because, you don’t see the danger, Adam doesn’t trust you and you are a Cartwright and then there is more chance for a kidnapping”, the rancher explained.

“If daddy doesn’t trust me, why do I live here anyway?”, the boy asked furiously.

“Because you happen to live here. As long as you live here you do what I and your parents say”, said Ben.

He knew that the conversation would end up in row like usual.

“You come with me to her house and you apology”, the rancher said.

“No way. She lives with her parents in the house that is empty for a month or two. It is a lease house of ours”, Mitch said a bit calmer.

“I didn’t even know that it was leased again. Come along anyway”, Ben said worried.

Grandpa and grandson left the sleeping corridor sand went outside. Underway Mitch grabbed his belt and revolver.

There the rancher said to his sons, “We are away for a while.”

Mitch pointed Ben where the family Pearson lived. They arrived at a lease house which was empty according to the administration of the Cartwrights.

Inside the house Claire looked out of the window and saw suddenly the Cartwrights coming.

“Mother, we are getting visitors”, she said.

Susan Pearson looked also out of the window and saw them stopping in front of the door. She walked quickly to the cupboard and got a hunting rifle. With this she went determined outside and pointed the weapon at Ben and Mitch. They had just dismounted.

“What are you coming here for?”, Susan asked snappy.

“What are you doing in this house. It stands on my land. I have not given you permission to live here”, Ben said directly.

“We don’t need anyone’s permission to live somewhere. Only our rules count. Claire, is he that lad who hit you?”, Susan asked her daughter.

“Yes”, Claire said.

She wanted to attack him but Mitch drew his revolver and pointed the weapon at the girl. Ben noticed that his way of handling was also taken over by his grandson.

“I give you four days time to leave or to ask permission to live there”, the rancher said.

“No way”, Susan said and she shot down Ben.

He fell on the ground while Mitch shot at the rifle. Hereby she dropped the weapon. Claire wanted to get it but the boy was just a bit faster.

“I wouldn’t try anything girlie! We are good friends with the authority”, Mitch said.

He threw the rifle away and said, “Inside and stay there until we have left!”

Mother and daughter did that.

Mitch looked at Ben and asked worried, “Are you seriously injured”

“No, it is fortunately only a shot wound. Just help me on my feet”, the rancher said.

Mitch did that and together they rode back home.

At the yard the boys and Mary saw directly what had happened to their father. Adam and Hoss helped Ben from his horse.

While they went inside asked Little Joe asked his nephew, “What has happened?”

“I discovered by accident that the empty lease house is taken in by the family Pearson. So we to it. Mrs Pearson shot down grandpa after he had said that they had to move out of there”, Mitch said.

Hop Sing and Mary took care of the wound as good as possible.

Ben said to his sons and daughter-in-law, “Mitch made sure that we didn’t get further injured. I think we have treated him too long as a little child.”

“I think so too”, Adam said and he looked proud smiling at his son.

“Daddy, I didn’t know that you could think”, Mitch said.

Everybody laughed.

“I don’t react to this remark. He might be a bit big”, Adam began.

“But he will always remain our little Mitchy”, Hoss teasing.

“Stop it daddy and Uncle Hoss Cartwright!”, said the boy said protesting.

Everyone began to laugh again.

“Don’t you bite so”, Ben advised.

“Well, I have more intelligence than you three together”, Mitch answered.

Hoss had no reaction to this but he too was proud of his nephew. Just like Little Joe.

The ghost at the cemetery kept everyone busy. So also So also Mitch en Matthew.

On an afternoon during school time Matthew asked, “I go tonight around midnight to the cemetery. Are you coming Mitch?”

The young Cartwright knew that it was forbidden for him but though he said, “I come along and so does Cody.”

“I come along too”, said Claire.

“No gals around”, Mitch said directly.

“Why not? Do you have any objections against the female sex?”, she asked very snappy.

“Yes. I can’t stand them and they are always so afraid”, was the answer.

Claire walked away.

That evening Mitch and Cody could get away easily because no one was watching them. They were as quick as water. The boy rode on Caramel with the dog next to him to the cemetery where Matthew waited for them. They knew that their fathers had forbidden them to come there but they just let that ban pass by. Suddenly Cody heard a noise coming and barked. Mitch drew his revolver and went to lie down just like Matthew. Mitch pushed Cody on the ground. The one who was coming was Claire Pearson. She went to sit with them while Mitch cursed mumbling for her interfering. The boy put his weapon back into his holster. The foursome looked very quiet and abide.

Meanwhile at the Ponderosa they discovered that Mitch and Cody were gone.

“Hoss and Joe, you go and look for them. I have the strong feeling that they are at the cemetery”, Adam said worried.

They left the ranch house.

“Adam, don’t be angry with Mitch when he comes. He is just curious. Besides Cody is with him”, said Ben.

“I know that but he is still very young”, Adam reacted.

“You were also like that at that age”, was the comment of his father.

Adam knew that himself too. Mary said nothing but knew enough.

Suddenly the foursome saw a white appearance between the graves. Claire began to scream hysterically.

Matthew said, “Silence!”

“Shut up bitch”, Mitch said fierce.

He held Cody closer to him than ever. Claire got hit by a bough with leaves in the face while Mitch slipped and sprained his right wrist. Claire ran home but the friends stayed.

“Are you alright Mitch?”, asked Matthew asked at a whispering tone.

“Yeah. Hop Sing will take care of it. You go home now”, Mitch said.

His friend nodded and went away. A shot followed but the bullet missed Matthew. He went home after that. Cody began to bark to warn his little boss. Mitch looked scared around him. A loud laugh sounded scary across the cemetery.

Mitch and Cody didn’t know that Hoss and Little Joe were there too. Suddenly they caught them in their eye.

“Joe, isn’t that our little nephew? Little Mitchy?”, Hoss asked teasing.

“Yes sure. Mitch, what are you doing here with Cody?”, Little Joe asked.

“Firstly: I am not little and secondly: what are you doing here?”, Mitch asked a bit offended.

There was no faster way to get Mitch angry by calling him little.

“We had discovered that you and Cody were away. So Adam sent us out to look for you. Are you coming home or not?”, Hoss asked.

Both brothers noticed that something serious bad had happened.

“There was a shot”, Mitch said quite upset.

The brothers listened but didn’t hear or saw anything.

“I go and warn the sheriff”, said Little Joe.

But again the ghost appeared. This time at another grave than earlier.

The voice said, “Come here Mitch, come here.”

Mitch got scared and looked for protection by Hoss and Cody.

A moment later the ghost disappeared trackless. Little Joe went with the dog to Virginia City.

Soon Little Joe and Cody reached the sheriff’s office and Little Joe stopped Cochise. He dismounted and came rushing into the office.

“Roy, the ghost has been seen at the cemetery”, said Little Joe to sheriff Roy Coffee and deputy Clem Foster.

“We come along at once”, said Roy.

At the cemetery Mitch told everything what had happened.

“We will do the rest. You go home”, Clem said.

The Cartwrights mounted on their horses and rode home with Cody.

There Ben, Adam and Mary waited for the return of the foursome. When they heard the horses and the dog father and son went outside.

“Here is the lost son. He and Cody were indeed at the cemetery”, said Little Joe.

“Mitchell Jonathan Cartwright, inside at once”, Adam said strict.

“My wrist hurts”, Mitch said while he dismounted.

“Hop Sing will take a look at it and take care of it”, his father said when he had checked the injured wrist.

Hop Sing took care of the very sprained wrist of the youngest inhabitant of the Ponderosa. Mitch told what had happened at the cemetery.

“Tomorrow we will go and stop by his parents”, said Ben said calm but shocked.

In the meantime the sheriff paid a very unexpected visit to the parents of Matthew, Dan and Laura Walker. They also had noticed that their son had left the house.

Roy knocked at the door. A worried Dan answered it and was surprised to see the sheriff.

“Sheriff, what are you doing here?”, asked he.

“May I come in?”, asked the de authority carrier of Virginia City.

“By all means. Do you already know where Matthew is?”, asked the mine worker.

The sheriff didn’t reacted at once to this question but greeted first Laura.

“I don’t know how I must tell it you. Matthew was with Mitch Cartwright at the cemetery to see that ghost. They saw it indeed”, Roy told.

The couple Walker was speechless for a long time.

“Is Mitch still alive?”, Laura asked after a long silence.

The sheriff replied, “He has sprained his wrist but he is also knocked up about it.”

“When Matthew comes home We let you know”, said Dan.

He let the authority carrier out. Then they saw Matthew coming.

“Where do you come from young man?”, Dan asked.

“Mitch, Cody and I were at the cemetery to see that ghost. But he was just walking instead of floating”, said Matthew.

Now the mystery of the ghost at the cemetery became bigger.

“You go to bed now and you stay at home for the time being”, Dan said to his son.

The boy nodded. Roy left for town.

Harry was already at home when his daughter came home crying. His wife was also up yet.

“Honey, what has happened?”, asked Susan.

“Mitch Cartwright has hit me again. We were at the cemetery for that ghost. Suddenly he grabbed a bough with some leaves on it and hit me with that for nothing. I hate that dirty brat”, Claire said still a bit sobbing.

“Claire, come along with me. I will deal with that brat of a Cartwright directly”, Harry said furious.

Father en daughter left the house. By carriage they rode to the Ponderosa.

A short time later they reached the ranch. At the yard Harry stopped the carriage. Both climbed out of it and walked to the house. Harry knocked very hard and impatient at the door which was heard inside very well.

Adam was busy with Mitch who sat with his sprained wrist in a bowl with ice. The boy told his father what had happened at the cemetery. Also what had happened with him and Claire Pearson.

“Actually we should be punishing you. But your sprained wrist is enough. I stick it hereby. Any questions?”, asked Adam.

“Why is that ice so cold?”, Mitch asked stuffy.

All began to laugh.

Ben said, “Because it is frozen water.”

The boy didn’t understand a thing about it. Then there was a bang at the door. Little Joe answered it with care. Harry and Claire came in.

Harry began to rave against Ben at once, “Your son must raise his child better. He has hit my lovely daughter hard with a bough with leaves without any reason.”

The rancher replied, “Mitch would never do that. If he hits he does that with a fist. Besides that he said that she was hit by the ghost at the cemetery.”

“He hit me”, Claire said pointing at Mitch.

Now Mitch began to interfere with it.

“Not true. You just have something against me”, was his reaction.

“Mitch, shut your mouth for a moment”, Ben just said.

Now Harry said, “Cartwright, if your grandson doesn't apology quick you can forget that contract as well.”

The Cartwrights looked at each other and the rancher said, “I don’t want to be blackmailed by anyone!”

“Mr Pearson, Joe and I saw that Claire got hit by that ghost”, Hoss said then.

“Well, defend that brat again”, Harry said angry.

“Out of my house and that is right now”, Ben said fierce.

The two unwanted visitors left at once. Harry thought, ‘I will get you good and soon too Benjamin Cartwright!’ The always cozy sphere was gone at once.

Mitch wanted to say something but Adam said, “Shut it!”

“Not for you. I also have the right to say something”, Mitch reacted fierce.

He got up and went outside.

“You all go to bed. I will talk to him for a moment”, Adam said after a long silence.

They did that. Adam went outside and found Mitch at the corral.

“Are you coming inside?”, asked the eldest son of Ben Cartwright.

Mitch shook of no and said, “I will sleep at the stable.”

“No way. Your room is in the house and not in the stable. That is for the animals. I am really not angry with you”, said Adam.

“It does look like it very much. By me grandpa doesn’t get that contract”, replied Mitch.

“Our relation is much more important than that contract. I find it worse that our relation breaks up than that grandpa gets that contract”, said his father.

“I could have blown that ghost away but then they might have been lynching me”, said the boy.

“We will find the ghost somehow”, said Adam calm.

Suddenly Mitch began to cry. The eldest Cartwright boy took him into his arms. After a while the boy calmed down. Adam noticed that his son was sleepy. That’s why he took him inside.

At his bedroom said Mitch, “Goodnight daddy.”

“The same boy”, said his father.

It would be a short night for the Cartwrights. Very early in the morning there was again a knock at the door. The family was having breakfast when Hop Sing answered it. It was the sheriff with Harry Pearson.

“Roy, what are you doing here at this time?”, Ben asked amazed.

“Mr Pearson claims that you call him a blackmailer. Is that so?”, the authority carrier asked.

“He says that Mitch hit his daughter with a bough last night at the cemetery. But according to Mitch, Hoss and Joseph was it that ghost what did it. If Mitch doesn’t apology soon to Claire, then I could forget that contract as well. I said that I wouldn’t want to get blackmailed”, Ben explained.

“Indeed! We are going to live somewhere else than on Ponderosa land”, Harry said and he left.

He hit the front door behind him hard.

Roy said, “Mitch would never really do anything like that.”

“Sheriff, is the name of the ghost already known?”, Adam asked.

“Not yet. The parents of Matthew know it already”, the sheriff said.

“Err Mitch, shall we go now? Or you will be too late at school”, Adam said to his son.

“I really don’t feel like going”, the boy said grumbling.

“You have to go anyway”, Ben said.

Mitch got up a bit unstable and nearly fell but his fall got broken by Adam. Quickly they went away with Cody, just like the sheriff.

When Adam and Mitch rode upon the schoolyard with the they saw Clem talking to Abigail.

“It is about Matthew I guess?”, Mitch asked worried.

“I think so. Behave yourself a bite”, said Adam.

“I always do that?”, asked his son.

Adam nodded and said teasing, “Except when you don’t do it. I see you at four o‘clock.”

Mitch dismounted of his horse and hitched it tight. Adam waited until Mitch was inside and spoke then to the deputy.

“I told her about Matthew. She was very shocked. Can Mitch take it?”, Clem asked.

“Hardly. He was his best friend apart from his dog and horse. I keep a close watch on him”, answered Adam answered.

“Are you coming along to Virginia City? There is news about the ghost”, the deputy said.

Adam agreed and said, “Recently pa has been shot down by Susan Pearson. We have kept the bullet yet. If it is the same sort of bullet as where Matthew has been killed…”

“That is no evidence yet and you know that as good as I do”, Clem said.

“But it is a possibility”, the eldest Cartwright boy said.

That morning Mitch was very absent during the lessons. It was more than clear that he had slept far too less the previous night. Abigail had seen that also but kept silent.

During the break Mitch heard Claire saying to Laura Clark zeggen,“My parents are going to buy the Ponderosa so that the Cartwrights there have to move out nicely and we move in.”

Mitch walked away and went to sit under a tree. He couldn’t believe his ears. Ben Cartwright would never sell the ranch like that without telling his children. He knew that for sure.

At the sheriff’s office Clem showed Adam the fatal bullet.

He looked at it carefully and said, “It is the same sort of bullet as where pa has been shot down with. Doesn’t that say enough? Before the Pearsons had came it was quiet at the cemetery.”

“Adam, just because you have a quarrel with them it doesn’t mean that they have tried to kill Matthew too”, was the reply of Clem.

“Matthew never does anyone any harm. Did he have to die because he was a friend of Mitch?”, Adam asked fierce.

The deputy reacted with, “I don’t know if you realize it but for the same thing Mitch had died. How would you have reacted then?”

“That is a total different story. Mitch is still alive”, Adam answered.

“Must I ask them then, has one of you happen to have try to kill Matthew Walker last night? Go and take a very long walk Adam Cartwright. They already see me coming”, Clem said.

Adam left the office and went home with Cody.

Mitch went to Abigail who was inside.

“Mitch, is there something?”, she asked when she saw him standing near her desk.

“I don’t feel too good. May I go home?”, he asked.

“You do look a bit pale. Go”, the teacher said.

Mitch grabbed his books together and left the school. He mounted on White Star and rode home slowly.

Adam had just come home when he and Hoss saw their son and nephew respectively coming.

Both looked amazed at each other and wondered why Mitch was home again so early.

“Mitch, aren’t you home a bit early?”, Adam asked concerned.

Mitch said nothing but almost fell off his horse. The schoolbooks fell on the ground. Hoss caught the boy just in time. Together with Adam he brought the boy inside. Ben, Mary and Little Joe looked up strange too when they saw Mitch.

“Put him on the settee, boys”, the rancher said.

They did that. Slowly Mitch got awake.

“Is there something Mitch?”, Adam asked worried.

“Daddy, I am so dizzy. Everything goes round in circles”, his boy said.

“Joseph, go fetch Doc Martin. Adam, bring him to bed”, Ben said.

Little Joe left right away.

Adam brought Mitch to bed and stayed with him.

The boy said, “Daddy, is it true that grandpa is going to sell the Ponderosa to the Pearsons? I heard that Claire saying it at school. Then I got sick.”

“Grandpa is not going to sell the ranch and certainly not to the Pearsons”, Adam said.

He noticed that his son looked lousy. Mitch closed his eyes. Adam went downstairs and saw that Doc Martin had just arrived.

“He is in bed”, Adam said to the heal master.

They went upstairs. Doc Martin examined Mitch.

He came to a conclusion a bit later on, “Adam, your son is just a bit exhausted. Keep him in bed for a few days and at home from school as long as needed.”

“That will happen”, the son of the rancher said.

After lunch Ben said, “I go to the Walkers. You keep an eye on Mitch.”

All three they promised to do that. They didn’t do nothing less than that. The rancher grabbed his horse and mounted on. A moment later he had left the yard.

Soon the rancher had reached the own house of the mineworkers family. The house of the Walkers was situated just outside of Virginia City. They lived there for years. Ben dismounted and tied his horse Buck tight. Hereafter he knocked polite at the door. Laura answered it. She was very surprised to see the grandpa of Mitch.

“Ben Cartwright, come in”, she said a bit hoarse.

“Matthew is sleeping now. How is Mitch?”, Dan asked.

“He came home earlier form school this morning with symptoms of exhausting. It also has to do with last night”, Ben said.

“We won’t blame Mitch anything. Just tell him that”, Dan said.

He and Laura knew Mitch and his family also very well. The two friends often played together at their places. By Matthew the young Cartwright could be a real kid again which was at home not always the case. There they didn’t have always enough time for him. Besides there were only grownups around him at the ranch.

Ben stayed the whole afternoon at the Walkers. When he rode back to the Ponderosa he had a lot of for thought. He had the suspects that Matthew Walker would not be the first victim. Even though his family could fall prey to the willing of killing of the infamous ghost at the cemetery. That had to be prevented as much as possible. The Cartwrights were unbreakable if justice was the case. Although there had to be victims.

The rancher rode in the direction of Virginia City. He was curious how far the investigation of the authority was for the murderer of Matthew. Though Ben expected no positive answer. He knew that the killer could be everywhere and maybe out of Nevada.

Outside the sheriff’s office Clem ran into Harry.

“Deputy, is that Mitch Cartwright been arrested already for insulting my lovely daughter?”, asked Harry.

“What must have Mitch said to her the?”, asked the deputy asked amazed.

“He has said to Claire that they don’t want any city girls like her here. He has beaten her black and blue”, the conman lied.

Clem looked at him and said, “I know that lad for most of his life and I know for sure that he would never do such a thing. Why don’t you ask his grandpa? He is just coming there.”

Clem pointed in the direction of Ben.

Harry said, “I certainly will do that!”

He walked to the rancher and said, “I still demand the apology of your grandson to my daughter. Also because he has beaten her black and blue.”

“Mitch will never give that, besides, when did he have knocked her about if I may ask?”, the rancher asked amazed.

“This afternoon after school at four o ‘clock. She is totally upset. The poor child”, Harry answered.

“To make it clear for you, Mitch came home earlier this morning because he is exhausted. He needs bed rest”, Ben said.

Harry walked away angry.

Ben dismounted and asked the deputy, “Is he up to something with Mitch?”

“I don’t know. Do you have time for a cup of coffee?”, Clem asked on his turn.

Ben always had that.

Inside the rancher asked, “Do you have more information about who has tried to kill Matthew?”

“No, not that but it is done with a hunting rifle. Other clues are not yet available. At least not until you arrived. I ran into Adam this morning at the school and here he told me that you were shot down by Susan Pearson a few days ago. According to him it was the same sort of bullet as where the young Walker is almost shot dead with. That could mean that one of the

Pearsons must be the killer. What do you think?”, asked the deputy asked while he took a sip of his coffee.

“It all seems to fit in one piece. Harry came very suddenly living in an empty lease house of without my consent. Since his arrival it is also very restless at the cemetery”, Ben answered.

Clem couldn’t deny that either. They didn’t come to a solution.

“I go and see how it is with the youngest offspring is”, the rancher said after an hour.

He waved at the deputy and went outside. It was already getting dark when Ben headed home.

At the Ponderosa Adam, Mary, Hoss and Little Joe took good care of Mitch. By them he didn’t have a shortage of anything. Though he slept most of the afternoon. When he woke up or his father or mother or one of his Uncles sat by him. Around supper time Mitch stayed awake.

Hoss sat by him and asked, “How are you feeling?”

“Very tired. Where is grandpa actually?”, the boy asked.

“After lunch he left for going to the Walkers and since then we haven’t seen him anymore. You must be getting hungry? Since breakfast you haven’t eaten anything. I believe that Hop Sing is preparing a delicious meal”, Hoss said.

“Yes but he does that every day. So it is no surprise for me anymore”, Mitch reacted dry.

“That is true. I go and see if grandpa is already coming”, his Uncle said.

He got up and left the bedroom. Though Ben was not in sight at all. Hoss began to worry very much. But he wasn’t the only one. Adam and Little Joe too got worried when their father stayed away. In the end Adam wanted to ride his father ahead but yet before he had saddled his sorrel the rancher rode upon the yard.

“Good evening to you pa”, Adam said friendly.

“The same boy. Did you think that your father wouldn’t come home anymore?”, asked the rancher.

Adam chuckled and asked, “Yes. Mitch is a bit better but still very tired. You haven’t been so long at the Walkers?”

“No, I have been seeing the law. Clem told me there is no evidence yet”, Ben told while he dismounted from his horse and brought it to the stable.

His eldest son did the same.

He noticed that there was something else and asked, “Has something happened in Virginia City?”

“Harry accuses Mitch of it that he has beaten Claire black and blue after school”, Ben replied.

“The lad slept for most of the day. He is now just really awake”, Adam reacted.

“Wasn’t he that this morning?”, asked his father teasing.

“Very funny pa. You protect him too much. And he knows that very well too”, was the reaction of Adam.

“Then you mustn’t tease him so much”, said Ben.

By entering the ranch house Ben first went to check on his grandson. He knocked at the door and went then inside.

“Hello boy. Adam said to me that you were feeling a bit better. Well, I must say that you do look better”, said the rancher.

He went to sit upon the bed and looked at the boy.

“They take good care of me as long as they say nothing”, answered Mitch.

“I was already teasing your father in the stable because he always doing that to you. I was visiting the parents of Matthew and they don’t blame you anything. So don’t you worry about that”, Ben told.

Mitch shut his eyes and said hesitating, “If it is possible I would like to go to the round up of the herd.”

“We don’t know yet when that is but if you are still very tired you stay at home. You need a few days of bed rest of Doc and you hold yourself to that”, said his grandpa.

Mitch nodded. Ben noticed how disappointed his grandson was but he also couldn’t help it.

He grabbed his hand and said, “We will make it.”

Mitch got more than plenty rest and chance to sleep of his family whereby he could slowly but sure recover from his breakdown. Though the teasing didn’t stay away. After a few days Adam came into his room.

He asked, “Wouldn’t you come out of your bunk for once?”

“Why? You are here to work?”, Mitch asked on his turn.

Then Adam made up an excuse and he said, “Tomorrow we go to a horse auction in Reno. But because you still want to stay in bed you cannot come along.”

“Well, then I happily have the house for myself and also the peace and quiet”, said his son.

Adam came to sit upon the bed and asked, “So not. I was only teasing you. Why don’t you get up for a few hours? Then I will ask Hop Sing if he makes something special for you. What about that?”

Mitch nodded approving. Adam went downstairs while Mitch washed and got dressed. After the boy had eaten something he felt better. Mitch went to play outside with Cody at the yard.

The row between the Cartwrights and the Pearsons got put on a back burner for a while. Especially the Cartwrights stayed at home at the ranch very much.

At the Ponderosa Mitch had quite calmed down but he still wasn’t himself.

To give him more attention Ben said, “Mitch, this afternoon we are going to make a long ride with the horses and Cody may come along as well.”

“Okay”, the boy said.

That afternoon after lunch Ben and Mitch were gone away with Cody till supper time. Men noticed that the trip had done Mitch very much good because he began to get back his normal appetite again.

Short after the commotion at the cemetery Dan and Laura Walker with their son moved away from Virginia City. They were heavily disappointed in their trust in the sheriff and the deputy concerning the safety.

One evening The Cartwrights were having dinner in a restaurant when the Pearsons came through the door.

Mitch said directly, “I ain’t hungry anymore. How would that come? The food here is always more than very good.”

Hoss and Adam looked at each other and understood what he meant with it. Ben, Mary and Little Joe had received the message. Claire walked on purpose against the chair of Mitch whereby she fell. Harry stepped in with a very hard hand. He dragged the boy from his chair and hit him hard through the establishment. Mitch fell down against the wall unconscious. Hoss became angry and got up. Harry rubbed his hands of satisfaction and smiled with it also. With two passes he was by Harry. Hoss hit him through the restaurant but with a bit more horsepower. Ben and Adam went to Mitch while Little Joe went to get medical support. Slowly Mitch came around.

He said moaning, “My right arm and head hurts.”

“Just lie here kid. Doc is underway”, said Adam said worried.

Hoss came to stand by them and asked, “How is it with little Mitchy?”

“Shut up Uncle Hoss Cartwright!”, Mitch reacted directly.

Everybody laughed.

“So to hear he is quite well again”, Adam said laughing.

This gave him a smack of his son.

Little Joe ran to the practise of Doc Paul Martin and rushed inside.

He said, “Doc, you must come along as Mitch is injured.”

“I come along at once”, the heal master answered.

He grabbed his bag and went along with Little Joe.

At his entrance Susan said, “My husband goes first!”

“First children”, Paul said and he went to the Cartwrights.

He kneeled down by Mitch and asked, “Where is the pain?”

“In my right arm and head”, Mitch said with a very painful face.

The heal master examined the right arm and his head and came to the end conclusion,

“Your arm is broken and you have a concussion. I will set your arm in plaster and subscribe you a week of bed rest. Just come along with me.”

“This is the evidence that I surely have brains. Or I would never be able to get a brain concussion”, Mitch said.

“Bye son”, Ben said.

He helped the boy on his feet. Limping Mitch went along with Paul, guided by Adam and Hoss. Susan was so indignant that she didn’t say any word.

Because Clem had seen Little Joe going to Doc the authority had suspects that something had happened at the restaurant.

At the office the deputy said, “I just saw Joe Cartwright going to Doc Martin. There must have happened something again.”

“You stay here. Then I will have a look”, Roy said.

Clem nodded.

Roy had also paid a visit at the restaurant.

Harry just came round and said to the sheriff, “You must arrest that plunk of a Hoss Cartwright because he tried to kill me.”

“He did that because you hit Mitch through the whole restaurant. If you touch Mitch, then you touch us”, Little Joe said very quiet for his appearance.

“It is just a brat”, Susan said.

“That is no reason yet to beat him up”, Little Joe said suddenly fierce.

Ben made his youngest son clear to stay calm.

“Your brother had delivered my husband a broken leg. We are going to recoup our missed income on you”, Susan said angry.

Then she made the fatal mistake by shooting at Ben but she missed totally. Roy stepped in by arresting her. Claire ran out of the restaurant, taking the pistol of her mother with her. Suddenly they heard a shot. The sheriff had locked up Susan and went outside, just like Ben and Little Joe. It turned out that Claire had shot at the deputy had. Clem lied on the ground with a bullet in his left leg. Claire had ran way in all hurry. Ben and Little Joe helped the deputy inside. Adam, Hoss and Mitch came outside and heard about the shootings of Ben and Little Joe. Doc examined and treated Clem who could walk reasonably. Just after that he helped Harry who was still lying in the restaurant with a broken leg.

“Mitch, we go home after I have paid the bill. For tonight we have had enough excitement”, Ben said to his grandson who had become very sleepy.

“Why enough?”, Mitch asked innocent.

“By that hard smack are the few brains which this kid has all been shook up. That’s why he asks such stupid questions”, Adam reacted teasing with a wink at his brothers.

“Daddy, you must shut up. I am not a kid anymore”, was the fierce reply of Mitch.

His father and Uncles laughed. Mary gave her husband and brothers-in-law all three an indignant look where after they stopped laughing right away.

Adam said, “You react so nicely again.”

“Well, grandpa always sticks up for me”, the boy said.

“That is also so typical. Grandpa always sticks up for you”, Little Joe said indignant.

“Are you jealous Uncle Joe?”, the boy asked.

“No, because now you are the youngest”, he replied.

“Though we are crazy about you. Even though you tease us so very much back”, Adam said while he held Mitch tight.

He noticed that the boy had become a bit dizzy.

“I am also crazy about you. Bunch of teasers that you are”, his son replied.

Ben came to them and they went back home.

Quite soon after her arrest Susan Pearson confessed to the sheriff, “I have shut down Ben Cartwright. My husband has tried to kill that kid of Walker.”

“Why?”, Roy asked.

“Because he and Mitch Cartwright had harassed our daughter at school. That is forbidden”, she replied.

“It is forbidden by the law to shoot the owner of a lease house. Here for you can get convicted for the rope”, the sheriff replied.

A week or two, three it remained quiet in and around Virginia City. The same thing was the case at the Ponderosa. Ben had gotten the contract of Harry somehow he hadn’t read it yet and certainly not signed it yet. What the rancher didn’t know yet was that Harry Pearson had put in it that after signing the Ponderosa would be his and not Ben’s anymore. This move was done because Susan convicted to the rope for two time attempting murder.

Harry and Claire blamed the Cartwrights for their unhappy life in Virginia City. Harry announced one day that he would make sure that it would be quiet in town.

“Give me your trust and I will make sure that there will be no fights will take place in town anymore”, he called one afternoon.

Adam and Little Joe heard that and of course they went to interfere with it.

“Why should you be able to keep the peace when you can hardly walk?”, asked Adam asked sarcastically

“Because I am quick-tempered not like you Cartwrights”, Harry replied.

The Cartwrights brothers were rolling on the ground laughing to the big aggravation of Harry.

Adam asked laughing, “We are not quick-tempered at all, are we?”

“Where does he get that idea from? By the way, it is sometimes great to live yourself out at a fight, isn’t it? I think so”, Little Joe reacted.

At the moment when Harry wanted to say something the deputy ended the conversation.

Limping on his crutches Clem said, “Mr Pearson, get lost. By you and your daughter the peace just get disturbed.”

“But I am just helping you with keeping the sweet peace and quiet, By my presence very aggressive guys like the

Cartwrights keep themselves quiet”, Harry said.

“By my knowledge the Cartwrights are no aggressive guys. Rough yes but not aggressive”, Clem said.

He gave Adam and Little Joe a familiar look where after they went to the sheriff’s office.

Inside Clem asked, “We know now that Matthew has been tried to kill by Harry Pearson. After her arrest Susan confessed that he had did it. The reason for the murder was that Matthew and Mitch has harassed Claire at school. Adam, I know that your son is loved by the girls but he would never do this, would he?”

“Mitch is a real heart breaker but this is not his style. He would never do that”, Adam answered.

Little Joe said, “Now Matthew has died that means that it is now the turn of Mitch to get moved out of the way and then maybe us.”

“Boys, if I may give you a good advice, stay away for a while out of the way from Harry and Claire Pearson if you love your life”, Clem answered.

The brothers would certainly do that. They decided to go back to the ranch to tell Ben and Hoss everything.

In Virginia City there was a party organized for the inhabitants of the town.

At the Ponderosa Mitch said nagging, “Daddy, do I really have to go too? I don’t want to go.”

“Boy, you have received an invitation too. It would be very impolite if you don’t go then”, Adam said.

He first looked at his son and then at the others.

Hoss said, “We are there too.”

“Okay then. I go too”, Mitch said with great reluctance.

He did it more to please his father.

It was a rather boring party. Mitch walked around until his eye caught Claire. He swallowed a few times and went then straight to his father and Uncles.

“Mitchy, what is the matter?”, Hoss asked.

“No wonder why it is so boring party because the Pearsons are here too. I only hope that Claire hasn’t seen me”, his nephew said.

“Just stay here. I will go and get some drinks in for us”, Adam said.

He got up and walked to the bar. It didn’t like him one bit that the Pearsons were here as well. Alright, They were inhabitants of Virginia City but Adam didn’t have to be bothered with them.

At the bar the bartender asked, “What will it be Mr Cartwright?”

“Three beer and one lemonade”, said Adam.

The bartender poured it in.

Suddenly Harry came to them and said, “You must make sure that you are away from the Ponderosa tomorrow because then we move in.”

“Who are you bringing along for that? A ghost or something like that? The ranch is and stays in the hands of the Cartwrights”, Adam reacted.

He grabbed the filled glasses and walked to his brothers and son.

“Bastard. We will get you and your little boy”, Harry said to himself.

He hinted Claire and she came at once.

He said softly, “You go away while I scary the Cartwrights as the ghost at the cemetery. You follow Adam and Mitch to their ranch and inside you kill them.”

He gave the girl his revolver and sent her home. Not much later he went away himself. He was carefully observed by the Cartwrights. They had nothing else to do anyway. They were very glad when at a certain moment Ben came to them.

He asked, “Can you entertain yourself a bit?”

“I don’t like it at all”, Little Joe said.

“Here is another one”, Mitch said sleepy.

“It is already late so I think we do a good thing by going into the direction of the Ponderosa. Now before Mitch falls asleep”, the rancher answered.

“Lisa has fallen asleep a long time ago”, Adam said smiling looking at his daughter.

When the Cartwrights rode to the ranch they happen to passing by the cemetery. Adam saw as first that there was a light burning. He stopped and kept on watching.

His son came to stand next to him and asked amazed, “I thought we were going home?”

“There is a light burning at the cemetery. That is never the case”, Adam said a bit absent.

The others had come nearer and saw the fierce light too.

“We are going to take a look and find out. Mary, you wait at the carriage. Mitch, you stay by your father”, Ben said after a while.

With all the care in the world they rode in the direction of the cemetery. Mitch became a little scared and rode even closer to his father.

At the cemetery Harry was spooking around, not suspecting that he would be exposed soon. The Cartwrights dismounted from their horses and went to inspect the ghost.

Suddenly Mitch asked whispering, “Daddy, can a ghost walk?”

“No, a ghost glides. Why?”, asked Adam asked.

“Or I am going crazy or that ghost walks on crutches and with a broken leg”, the boy said.

“I think as the first as the second”, his father said teasing.

“You are very welcome for the compliment father”, Mitch reacted.

Adam gave his boy a clap o the shoulder. They crawled to Harry.

Ben called out with a loud voice, “Stay there. We have you under gunshot!”

The ghost turned around with difficulty and walked away. But he wasn’t looking where he was going and fell into an dug grave. A last scream came of the throat of Harry and then it was quiet. Ben, his sons and grandson came closer. Adam took the sheet off of the ghost. Great was their amazing when they recognized the ghost.

“That is Harry Pearson”, Ben said.

“Was he the ghost?”, Hoss asked unbelievable.

“Apparently yes. Are you going to say it in Virginia City to Paul and Roy?”, asked Ben asked.

Hoss nodded and went back to town. Mitch saw the body and became sick.

“Adam, take your family home. This is not really an ideal place for your son”, Ben said to his eldest son.

“Kid, come on. Time for bed for you”, the eldest Cartwright boy said.

They went home where Cody waited for them.

Underway Mitch asked, “Are we being sued for murdering Mr Pearson?”

“No, it was an accident. Why?”, Adam asked amazed.

“I happen to read the contract which grandpa would lose with Mr Pearson. It says that after singing of grandpa the Ponderosa would be his”, Mitch said.

“I will read it to but as soon as we get home you go to bed. Tomorrow we must go to church”, Adam said.

Mitch answered with a nagging voice, “Oh yeah, it is tomorrow Sunday again.”

Adam asked him, “There is nothing wrong with going to church. We are also going or not?”

Mitch nodded. Adam and Mary knew very well that their son hated commitments. It cost them very much trouble to learn the boy them.

At the cemetery Ben and Little Joe waited for the sheriff, Doc Paul Martin and Hoss.

“Adam said that Harry told him that we had to leave the Ponderosa. The ranch would be his tomorrow”, said Little Joe.

“So there was that contract for needed. Harry and Susan are dead but where is their daughter?”, Ben asked worried.

After a while Hoss came back with the sheriff and the doctor.

“Roy, the victim is already lying on his place”, Ben said to the sheriff.

“His neck is broken”, Paul said after he had examined the mortal remains of Harry Pearson.

“I take it along. You go home”, Roy said to the Cartwrights.

That which happened so.

Meanwhile the others had come home already. Mitch wanted to know what had happened so he stayed up. Adam and Mary had given permission for that with some reluctance. Mary brought Lisa to bed. In the meantime Adam read the contract thru. He had become dead curiously by what he had heard from Mitch and Harry. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Father and son looked at each other being amazed. Mitch went to sit at the stairs with Cody while Adam answered the door carefully. Claire came rushing in with a revolver in her hand.

“What are you doing here?”, Mitch asked.

“To kill you”, she said snappy.

She pointed the weapon at Mitch and shot two bullets in his left ankle. The boy fell on the ground and remained there moving less. Claire kicked hard against the injured ankle of Mitch.

“You dirty rotten gal. Come here”, Adam groaned.

He flew to the girl but she shot him in his right arm. Then Cody stepped in. He rushed down from the stairs and walked so over Claire. She fell hard on the ground. Adam tried to get the weapon but saw then the revolver of Mitch lying. Cody got it and gave it to his master. With this Adam helped Claire to the other world. She fell down dead near the cupboard where usually the belts with the holsters were lying. Cody licked his little master in the face and stayed by him. Adam fell down against the wall and nearly died of the pain. By the revolver shots Hop Sing had woken up. He saw the two injured Cartwrights and understood that something serious had happened.

“Mr Adam, Mitch, what happened?”, the Chinese cook asked while he treated Adam.

“We suddenly got robbed by Claire Pearson. She just shot Mitch and me down”, the eldest son of Ben Cartwright told.

Slowly Mitch woke up again and he tried to get on his feet. Though this failed.

While Adam nicely got treated by Hop Sing the other Cartwrights came home. By entering of the ranch house Ben noticed right away that something had happened. He, Hoss and Little Joe first saw the body of Claire and then their two injured relatives.

“Joseph, go and get Doc at once”, Ben said directly.

Little Joe went straight back to Virginia City again. Ben and Hoss heard what had happened. The rancher sat near Mitch who wasn’t in seventh heaven. Cody was also still sitting there. Ben tried to stop the bleeding.

“Can you move anything?”, Ben asked worried.

“Only my injured ankle. It hurts so much”, the boy said moaning.

“Easy boy”, were the calming words of his grandpa.

A while later Little Joe returned again at the ranch with the sheriff and the doctor. Again Adam told the whole story. Paul examined Mitch and got the bullets out. Hereafter he stitched up the wound and put a bandage around it.

Doc said to Adam, “Mitch is badly injured because his left ankle is heavily damaged. I will set it as good as possible. But walking is not in the planning the next coming weeks.”

“It will be hard to keep him on bed but it will happen”, Adam replied.

The sheriff said before he left with the body of Claire, “They are all dead, all three of them so it is quiet again.”

“Let’s hope”, Ben said who let them out.

In the meantime Hoss had brought Mitch to bed and calmed him down.

“Uncle Hoss, is everything now over?”, asked the boy.

“I think so. Daddy and grandpa will come and see you later. Pleasant dreams lad”, said Hoss.

He tucked his nephew in, left the bedroom and went downstairs.

When the peace had returned again in the Cartwright house Adam realized how much he was in pain. At the same time he knew that he and Mitch had escaped a certain death. Hereby

held the eldest Cartwright boy even more of the life at the ranch.

Ben read the contract thru for the last time and threw it then into the open fire.

He said to his sons and daughter-in-law, “The Ponderosa is and remains in the hands of the Cartwrights. That is now the case and that will be in the future as well. I will see at the youngest and tell him it too.”

That is what the rancher did.

Now it was no longer spooky anymore at the cemetery of Virginia City it became quiet again in town. But they would never forget the ghost of the cemetery and his secret ever again.