New Experience

Because Ponderosa ranch owner Ben Cartwright hated doing the administration very much his eldest son Adam did that. Another reason here for was that Adam then could be with his son Mitch. The boy was about 7 months old and very undertaking since he had learned to crawl.

One morning Adam was at work but he also looked unnoticed to what Mitch was up to. Halfway the morning Adam noticed that the boy wasn’t crawling around anymore on the ground. He decided to check it out. He left the office and went to the living room. Arrived there Adam saw that Mitch was holding himself tight to the salon table. Adam went to sit down and looked at his son smiling.

“Now I must keep a closer eye on you”, he said proud as a peacock.

Mitch laughed and tried to walk next to the little table. Of course this went with falling down and getting up.

The rest of the day Adam taught his son walking instead of doing the books.

When Ben came home he asked right away, “Adam, is the administration been ready?”

“No pa, I am sorry. A more important thing came instead of it”, his son answered.

Ben asked amazed, “And what more important things was that then?”

“Just go sit in your chair”, said Adam.

The rancher did that and saw then his grandson walking towards him.

“I understand it. But do the rest when this walker sleeps”, Ben said while he held his grandson.

Adam nodded and looked with proper pride at his offspring. But of course Ben was proud of what Mitch had accomplished that day.