The last few weeks a lot of snow had fallen. For that reason Mitch Cartwright played outside with his dog Cody. Because the boys had not much to do, one afternoon Adam got a sneaky plan.

He asked his brothers, “Shall we soap that very modest and extremely super brilliant son of mine so that he will become and remain himself again?”

Hoss and Little Joe thought it was an excellent idea.

“Much luck boys”, Candy Canaday, the foreman, said nonchalant.

He knew by forehand that it would fail.

The brothers went outside but Mitch was so busy with playing with Cody that he didn’t even see them coming outside.

Suddenly Mitch saw a snowball coming up his direction. As quick as he was he dived with Cody on the ground so that Hoss got hit who came to stand behind him.

“We hit the wrong one Joe”, Adam said softly.

“Cheer up. With someone with a figure like Hoss you cannot miss with pitching. Mitch is much difficult to hit. He is small and quick as water”, his younger brother comforted him.

“That is due to that baseball. I just should have forbidden it when I still had the chance”, Adam said.

They were so busy with the conversation that the didn’t notice that there was a snowball on its way directed to the gentlemen A. and J. Cartwright. Hoss and Mitch teamed up together against Adam and Little Joe.

“Mitchy, I make them and you throw them. Just think that you are on the baseballfield and that your Father and Uncle are the opposite team”, Hoss explained.

Mitch began to laugh out loud and said, “They cannot beat us anyway.”

This was also a good way for Mitch to keep practising with pitching. The whole afternoon the snowballs flew over and again.