Near the Bucket of Blood saloon stood Toby Cooper. Now Toby was the type who was not averse of a fight and started one often himself. He saw the Cartwrights coming and began to smile mean. He pushed against his brother Paul and pointed towards the Cartwrights.

Paul asked, “Shall we start to fight for a joke. Guarantee that the big Cartwright joins in then.”

Toby nodded. But that would go different. By co-incidence Betsy Kent walked by. She had seen Hoss too and she blushed heavily. Hereby she bumped Paul and Toby.

Toby grabbed her tight and said, said:“Nobody bumps into us and certainly not a gal like you.”

“Let me go creep”, she snapped.

Betsy tried to get loose but that failed.

“You can hope that Cartwright rescues you but you are now mine and you stay mine”, said Toby.

“I am not yours at all”, Betsy bit at him.

Hoss Cartwright rode into Virginia City to collect one thing and the other. To have company he had taken his six year old nephew Mitch along. They saw how Betsy got bothered.

Mitch asked, “Mustn’t you rescue her?”

“It is nice again in town”, said Hoss.

“You are not going to join in, are you?”, asked his nephew.

“Why not?”, Hoss asked smiling.

“Because you have promised daddy and grandpa to look after me well”, was the answer.

“I do that too. I leave you with the shopkeeper and go and finish that Toby here and now”, said Hoss.

“You mean: make it worse”, reacted Mitch.

“Exactly”, his uncle replied.

They heard Betsy screaming out loud where by Hoss jumped off the box and ran to her. Mitch watched with enjoyment but climbed off the box a moment later too.

Hoss pulled Betsy loose and hit Toby to the water trough. With the next fist hit Toby landed in it. Then Paul had grabbed Betsy tight and again she began to scream. Hoss turned around and saw how his girl again got bothered. He didn’t think for any further moment and came again into action. Paul too ended up in the water trough. On top of his brother.

Hoss asked Betsy, “Are you alright?”

“Yes, now that you have rescued me I am. Thanks. Those two creeps were bothering me”, Betsy said shy.

Mitch came to them and looked at the couple laughing.

“We still have some shopping to do”, said the boy.

“Then I won’t hold you up no longer”, replied Betsy.

Quickly she walked on, leaving Hoss and Mitch behind.

“You are a nice portrait. I rescue the love of my life, you are going to ruin it by saying that we still have some shopping to do”, said Hoss.

They walked to the General Store where they ran into Clara Cooper.

“Boor that you are! I demand an explanation of you in my house!”, she said angry.

She dragged Hoss to her house where Betsy was too. Hoss didn’t understand a thing of it and left his nephew in the shop behind.

“Have you thrown my sons into the water trough?”, Clara asked determined.

Hoss said, “Well, ya see Ma’m it was like this…they always say: the butler has done it.”

“So you didn’t? And where is that butler then if I may ask?”, Clara asked with her hands in her sides.

“Flew away?”, Hoss asked innocent.

“Mrs Cooper, your sons were bothering me and Hoss has rescued me. Your sons are just two bullies. Right Hoss?”, asked Betsy.

Hoss nodded.

“Hm, in that case I will pretend like nothing has happened. I will give those two a treatment”, said Clara.

Relieved Hoss and Betsy left the house.

“Hoss, can I thank you with a diner?”, she asked.

“That always. But not where my nephew is present. Unfortunately he looks like his father a bit too much concerning his remarks”, Hoss said clearly shy.

“I will cook for you tonight. Roasted pig like only you like it”, promised Betsy.

Hoss was in the best of mood right away. They said goodbye and Hoss hurried to the General Store where Mitch waited for him.

“Had a nice conversation?”, the boy asked with a lot of sarcasm.

“Nothing for little boys like you. I load up the shopping upon the wagon with you along and then we go home. I am having a diner date tonight!”, said Hoss.

“With or by Miss Kent?”, Mitch asked teasing.

“That is for you a question and for a fact”, reacted Hoss.

“Well, I would like to have her as an Aunt. In case you ever get plans to marry”, said Mitch.

Now Hoss was so wise not to go into it but he would remember it though.