After a delicious meal Hoss Cartwright fell fast asleep.

There was a party at the Ponderosa. Everywhere there was space stood a big dish with cake and other delicious things. Suddenly the door went open and Hoss Cartwright came in. He didn’t know where he had to look. It was like he had arrived in the cake paradise.

“Dadburnit, which will I get first?”, he asked out loud.

Very in front of him stood a delicious peach cake. Next to that a chocolate cake with whipped cream was showing off. All cakes looked so delicious that Hoss had to make a decision in the end.

“I just take of each cake a small piece to taste it before and the most delicious one I eat then as first”, said Hoss.

So said, so done.

So delicious as the cakes looked like, so dirty were they. That is according to Hoss. Each cake slice tasted like a mix of cheese and carrot. Hoss looked around him and saw to his fright all cakes cominghis way. He ran away hard. At the porch all cakes watched him and laughed.

Bathing in sweat Hoss woke up. He looked around him and realisead then that he only dreamed it.

“What a dream”, he said to himself.