
Ponderosa ranch owner Ben Cartwright stood waiting for a while with his horse Buck. The person whom he was waiting for was his granddaughter Lisa Cartwright. She was the 2nd daughter of his oldest son Adam. The 10 year old girl went to school in Virginia City op school. In the morning hours Lisa was brought and in the afternoon someone of her family was always waiting for her. Just like her older brother Mitch and sister Pam (also famous and in famous as the Cartwright twins) Lisa owned an own horse. The animal was black with white socks and listened to the name of Blacky.

“Buck, it looks like that ‘Lisa is following exactly her brother and sister what concerned is letting grownups waiting”, Ben said to his horse.

The loyal animal whined as he wanted to saying,:“You are right.”

In Virginia City was the school had finished all along Lisa Cartwright would and should be on her way home. But the young Cartwright played baseball with her boyfriends and girlfriends.

“We play further on Saturday. I will say it to Mitch”, Lisa said after an hour.

She grabbed her stuff and mounted then on Blacky. Here after Lisa quickly rode to the spot where Ben was still waiting.

Meanwhile Ben sat a bit more comfortable on Buck because his beloved granddaughter still hadn’t appeared. At the moment that the rancher wanted to look at his pocket watch for the umpteenth time his 3rd apple of his eye just came riding towards him.

“So young lady, why are you so late?”, Ben asked semi-stern.

“Sorry that I’m so late grandpa but I was playing baseball with the youth team. Davy asked if I joined. He is my boyfriend”, was the apologizing answer of Lisa.

Davy was Davy Clark.

“It’s alright. I hardly can get angry with you. Come, then I take you home”, said the rancher.

So that happened.

By supper time Ben and Lisa came to her house.

“Do you wait for me tomorrow again?”, asked the youngest Cartwright.

“I wait again for you tomorrow but then at the school”, answered the rancher.

Lisa didn’t mind. Ben noticed that something was bothering his granddaughter.

“Let’s have it, Lisa Cartwright”, he said.

“At home all the attention goes to Rose and Daisy. Even Mitch and Pam don’t have time for me anymore”, Lisa confessed reluctant.

Ben sighed deep. He already had the suspicion that his granddaughter was getting less attention.

“Your brother and sister have their own family now so it’s understandable that they have no time for you. Must I say it to your parents?”, Ben asked carefully.

Lisa nodded. They dismounted and hitched the horses. Here after they went inside. Adam and Sally looked up strange to see Ben.

“Adam and Sally, Lisa has just confessed to me that she thinks that she gets too less attention from you. All attention go to Rose and Daisy according to her”, said Ben.

Adam sat down and pulled his daughter near him.

“Lisa, I know that it’s hard to the oldest now but Rose and especially Daisy need us. You are older already. We’re sorry that we have neglected you but we make it up to you. Deal?”, Adam asked serious.

Lisa nodded. Ben knew that his son meant it and went away.

After supper Adam said, “Lisa, mama brings Rose and Daisy to bed and meanwhile I help you with your homework. But first we do the dishes.”

“But we may not throw the lot into pieces, may we? That saves water too”, said Lisa.

“That is so but then we must buy a new dinner-service and you know that mamma loves this dinner-service very much”, answered Adam.

The young Cartwright knew that only far too well.

Fortunately for Lisa she didn’t have to wait anymore for attention and time of her parents but Ben had to wait each school day for her. But that was no problem for him.