Money Laundry

In an inconspicuous building was something illegal going on/ nobody knew exactly what. On the face was to be read, ‘Office Stuff’. But inside the building stood something completely different. All day was the sound of was machines to be heard.

The police came after complains of neighbors and decided to inside for a moment. Detective Cody Casey (CC for insiders) knocked at the door and watched at the same time the face.

James Willis came at the door and asked surly, “What can I do for you?”

“Why does on the face stands office articles while I clearly hear washing machines?”, asked CC.

“Is none of your funny business at all”, snapped James.

He smashed the door shut quickly whereby CC knew enough. The young detective went to his car and drove hurry-scurry to the office.

Inspector Dan Johnson sat behind his desk when CC with his dog Rinty came in.

“CC, what have you discovered?”, Dan asked coming straight to the point.

“Well, that building on 21st Street where on the face the sign with bureau articles hangs is standing full with special washing machines who turn all day according to me. I knocked at the door and a gruff type answered. I didn’t get much wiser from him though”, answered CC.

“Then 2 must go and work there under cover”, said Dan.

CC looked at him amazed and asked while he already knew the answer, “You don’t mean those 2 bunnies, do you?”

Dan nodded. He got up and walked to the door of his office.

“Smith! Jones! Come here at once”, he called with a loud voice.

The 2 detectives got up slowly and strolled to the office of their boss. CC sat on the bureau while Dam took place behind it.

“You 2 go to work under cover to 21st Street. The building where you will work is the premises where on the face stand bureau articles. Each evening I demand a record about the company from you”, said Dan.

Jones asked innocent, “So we must work and CC doesn’t have to do anything?”

“I do know that working isn’t in your dictionary but now it is. Haven’t you left yet?”, asked Dan.

The 2 bunnies left at once.

“You and Jamie Ross work together from now on. Your task is to keep an eye on the building. Rinty remains by you. Take a different car that your own”, said Dan.

CC nodded and went with his dog to Jamie Ross.

“From now on we work together. Are you coming?”, asked CC.

“With you always”, said Jamie.

Smith and Jones arrived at the building where they had to be.

“Get on with it”, Smith said with reluctance.

They got out and knocked at the door. This time they got a welcome.

James Willis received them in his office and asked, “Do you have experience in money laundry?”

“More than you think”, said Jones.

“Then you can start right away”, said James.

He brought the bunnies to a room where money hung to dry.

“Your chore is to put the clean money on piles of 25. And don’t put anything into your own pocket because we know exactly how much it is!”, said James.

The 2 nodded and went to work.

Meanwhile CC and Jamie kept with Rinty an eye on the building.

“I have the feeling that happens more than some money laundry. Especially if those 2 blockheads work there”, said Jamie.

“I think the same way. Let’s hope that those bunnies won’t screw it up but they probably will”, answered CC.

He drew the building so that they could use it as evidence material.

A few hours nothing notable happened. Until it was 18.00 hours. A limousine stopped in front of the door. The 2 detectives dived away so that they weren’t to be seen. The manager of the National Bank got out of limousine. Quickly he looked around him if he wasn’t to be seen and got let inside after he had knocked.

“Where is the money?”, asked Derek Miller, de bank manager.

“Here is your money. Totally washed clean”, said James.

Derek got a big carton box handed over which he took along.

During the time that Derek was inside Jamie placed a little transmitter in the car trunk which was already open. He was just in time back in the car.

CC asked, “Hasn’t the National Bank being robbed recently by an office gang?”

“That’s right. I got sent to it with Sue Thompson. But that bitch is useless. She only asks dumb questions”, answered Jamie.

“What do you want if you are dumb and blonde?”, CC asked laughing.

Jamie also could laugh about it.

When Derek came outside again he put the box in the trunk and he drove away. From a different street a car followed him. CC and Jamie kept an eye on the building.

Smith and Jones did their work as good as possible.

“Nothing happens here either”, Jones said sighing.

“That’s why we had to come here of course. That CC gets all the nice chores. And bringing the lunch for the inspector along. Slime ball”, answered Smith.

It was clear that the bunnies didn’t like CC.

Derek stopped at his house and got out. CC got a phone call from detective Clark and waned on his turn the office.

“I send back up and go with Ross to the bank manager”, said Dan.

A moment later the street had been barricaded and CC, Jamie and Rinty were alert. A few armed policemen rushed into the building where after the detectives and dog went inside.

“Everybody against the wall!”, called CC.

The washers were so amazed that they surrendered at once. James had heard the noise and tried to get away. Rinty was with Jamie who held James under gunshot.

“Your game is over”, said Jamie.

“In your dreams”, answered James.

Then Rinty showed his teeth whereby James became a bit scared.

“Take that dog away”, said the gangster boss.

“He hasn’t got any food today yet so he’s very hungry. I let him loose on you unless you surrender yourself”, said Jamie.

“Alright. I surrender myself but keep that rotten dog away from me”, James said scared.

James walked to Jamie and got the handcuffs on after he had heard his rights.

“Who is your customer?”, asked CC.

Because he knew that he was already arrested James decided to grass on Derek Miller right away as well.

“Derek Miller”, answered James.

“Drag him away and confiscate all the money and equipment”, said CC.

That happened.

Meanwhile Derek had come to his house when the police arrived. Inspector Dan Johnson and sergeant Tim Ross got out with drawn revolver.

“Mr Miller, you are under arrest for white wash practice”, said Dan.

Derek got to hear his rights and the handcuffs on.

“I just have been framed by that James Willis”, Derek said while he got dragged away.

Tim looked into the carton box and said, “This is counterfeit money.”

“Not true. The 2 assistants of James have cleaned it”, said Derek.

The inspector and sergeant began to laugh hard. They didn’t say why though.

Sometime later that day.

After they had been fired at the white wash launderette Smith and Jones went out to dinner. They had kept 2 notes of 35 dollar for themselves unnoticed.

“May we have the bill please?”, Jones asked a waitress after their meal.

“Of course. Just you come along for a second and your table partner too”, she said.

The 2 bunnies walked along and saw at the bar (where the cash box was) CC, Jamie and Rinty sitting.

“Evening gentlemen”, CC said extremely polite.

“What are you doing here?”, Smith distrusted and indignant at the same time.

“Enjoying our evening off. But we can’t say that of you”, answered Jamie.

Jones put 2 notes of 35 dollar on the bar and said, “Just keep the change as a tip.”

CC confiscated the money at once. The waitress gave the bunnies both a tea towel.

“What must we do with this?”, Smith asked amazed.

“Do the dishes because you wanted to pay your dinner with 2 notes of 35 dollar”, said Jamie.

“We have paid, haven’t we?”, asked Jones.

“There are no notes of 35 dollar at all. Are you really so dumb or do you act like that?”, CC asked on his turn.

“Both”, Jamie answered laughing.

CC and de waitress also had to laugh but the bunnies grabbed the tea towels and went angry to the kitchen.

CC took the waitress into his arms and said, “Laura, I owe you very much. Just say how I can pay it.”

“Just come home with me later on. Rinty may come too”, Laura said laughing.

“I will see you tomorrow. Laura, good luck with him. Come Rinty. Tonight you sleep at my place”, Jamie said because he knew CC only far too well what women was concerned.

The rest of the evening Smith and Jones did the dishes in the restaurant and CC was busy the whole evening and night to pay his bill with Laura.