
Henry Abbey

Lascelles Abercrombie

Arthur Henry Adams

A.E. zobacz George William Russell

Mark Akenside

James Aldrich

William Allingham

George Arnold

Matthew Arnold

Thomas Ashe

Anne Askew

Edwin Atherstone

Alfred Austin

William Edmondstoune Aytoun

Robert Aytoun

William Thompson Bacon

Joanna Baillie

Thomas Bancroft

Anna Laetitia Barbauld

Richard Harris Barham

Richard Barnfield

Bernard Barton

David Bates

William Baylebridge

Francis Beaumont

Thomas Lovell Beddoes

Aphra Behn

Charles Best

Lawrence Binyon

William Blake

Mathilde Blind

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Barcroft Henry Boake

John Philip Bourke

Anne Bradstreet

Christopher John Brennan

Nicholas Breton

Emily Brontë

Rupert Brooke

William Browne

Robert Browning

Agnes Bulmer

Robert Burns

Samuel Butler

John Byrom

George Gordon Byron

Margaret Cavendish

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Hubert Church

Colley Cibber

Arthur Hugh Clough

Henry Constable

Florence Earle Coates

Mary Elisabeth Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Eliza Cook

Susan Coolidge

Abraham Cowley

William Cowper

George Crabbe

Adelaide Crapsey

Isabella Valancy Crawford

John Philpot Curran

Samuel Daniel

George Darley

Thomas Dekker

Emily Dickinson

John Donne

John Dryden

Earl of Chesterfield

Earl of Rochester

Ebenezer Elliott

Elżbieta I Wielka

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thomas Erskine

Edward FitzGerald

John Ford

Frederick William Faber

John Gay

Richard Garnett

William Schwenck Gilbert

Robert Greene

Fulke Greville, lord Brooke

Ivor Gurney

Thomas Hardy

Lesbia Harford

John Harrington

Susanna Hawkins

George Herbert

Felicia Hemans

John Henley

Henryk VIII

John Heywood

Robert Herrick

Thomas Hood

Gerard Manley Hopkins

Alfred Edward Housman

Selwyn Image

Ben Jonson

Samuel Jonson

John Keats

Fanny Kemble

Richard Kendall

Walter Savage Landor

Emma Lazarus

David Herbert Lawrence

Edward Lear

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Amy Lowell

Henry Luttrell

Robert Mannyng of Brunne

Christopher Marlowe

John Marston

Andrew Marvell

Edgar Lee Masters

John Herman Merivale

John Milton

Mary Wortley Montagu

Thomas Moore

Thomas More

William Morris

Elisabeth Anne Smart Le Noir

Caroline Norton

Wilfred Owen

Edgar Allan Poe

Alexander Pope

Richard Porson

Matthew Prior

Francis Quarles

John Quarles

Allan Ramsay

John Edmund Reade

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

George William Russell

Maria Grace Saffery

Walter Scott

William Shakespeare

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Philip Sidney

Richard Simpson

James Smith

William Soutar

Edmund Spenser

Henry Howard, earl Surrey

Algernon Charles Swinburne

Joshua Sylvester

Alfred Tennyson

Edward Thomas

Thomas Tickell

Mary Tighe

Cyril Tourneur

Henry Townsend

Thomas Traherne

Allen Upward

Henry Vaughan

Margaret Veley

Edward de Vere

Pamelia S. Vining

Isaac Watts

Robert Stanley Weir

Phyllis Wheatley

George Edward Woodberry

Dorothy Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

Henry Wotton

Thomas Wyatt

Elinor Wylie

William de Wycombe

William Butler Yeats

Edward Young