The Characteristics Analysis of the Female Roles in Lady Windermere’s Fan

張貼日期:Jan 23, 2014 1:45:52 PM

The Characteristics Analysis of the Female Roles in Lady Windermere’s Fan

Alicia Mu   Henry Chiang

Advisor: Dr. Hsian-li Chou


This paper is going to analyze personality and contrast between the two female characters in Oscar Wilde’s Windermere’s fan. This contrast has to do with its background century. In Victoria era, women are always divided into two parts: one is good; the other one is bad. No intermediate state. The moral standard was very strong in this period. (黃香, 25) Once you got the label, you will be excluded by the society. In this play, Mrs. Erlynne, was a notorious woman, stood out to protect her daughter Lady Windermere, without any hesitation even though she had to sacrifice her own happiness and reputations. Oscar Wild made us reconsider what is a good and bad woman. His purpose was to ironize the fake moral at that time, but he also brought us some new ideas about humanity. This essay use comparative method to research the theme, it will help to the after-learners to understand this play well.