Planning an Activity in a Club

張貼日期:Jun 07, 2009 3:26:33 PM


Planning an Activity in a Club

Tracy Yeh

In my sophomore year, I participate in a club in our school. I make many friends by joining the club. We play happily. I even learn how to plan an activity. The following are my steps when planning an activity. I want to introduce how to plan an activity in a club, because it is important and useful for us in the future. 

First, I will think about the content in an activity. For example, playing some games or making dumplings or the stories telling contest is fun. So, I must brainstorm how to enrich my activity in the first step. 

Second, when I finish thinking the content in the activity, I will write a proposal for it. I must write down the budget and the reason why I want to hold the activity, etic. When finishing it, I need to type it in Word on the computer. 

Third, I will talk about the activity with some important members in our club. For example, we will discuss the date, food, places and so on. Therefore, I can have suggestions and comments from others so that I can do the activity well. On the other hand, I will assign the various tasks to different people. 

Fourth, I will register the activity on the school website. The teacher will review my paper and check our activity. If she agrees on it, we can hold it. 

Fifth, the last step, all I have to do is to advertise our activity and invite people to join it. Whenever people join us, they can play happily and enjoy very much. 

I have learned many things since I joined the club. For instance, I can plan an activity, make many friends and bargain with businessmen and so on. However, I felt frustrated when I bumped into trouble situation. I really believe doing a thing is not difficult. If I am enthusiastic for it, I think I will succeed. After all, nothing is impossible. Planning an activity isn’t difficult to me as long as I work hard to do it.